Chapter 96

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The ice cold water that splashed on Madison's already drenched body, had her gasping out for breath, as her eyelids fluttered open.

The first thing she noticed was that she had no blindfold on her face again, and even though it was a relief, that feeling was short lived as she tried to move her body.

Every single part of her wrists and limbs ached painfully, and she couldn't even move either one of them no matter how hard she tried.

For a second, she stopped moving, choosing instead to try and get a grasp of where she was, but the whole place was dimly lit and she could barely see a thing.

She was hearing voices, but she had no idea who these people were, or what she was doing here.

Nevertheless she tried to still move her body, but all to no avail all her efforts proved abortive and for a second Madison wondered if she wasn't already paralyzed.

Memories assailing her, Madison instantly shuddered when she remembered the things that happened earlier. She had no idea how much time had passed, but from the brief flashbacks she was having, she could tell that it was a lot.

She remembered the car incident, and then those men in masks, and the hard hit to her head that had rendered her unconscious.

Some time later she'd woken up, feeling a blindfold wrapped around her eyes and from what she'd heard from the men she was with, it was safe to say that she'd been abducted.

A shudder running down her spine, Madison closed her eyes painfully as a tear fell down her cheeks.

She wanted to forget all what had happened, because she still felt that this was all a nightmare but it wasn't.

Managing to move her hands, she pinched the skin just below her elbow, and as a splitting pain coursed through her, Madison held back a hiss and sob as she realized again that she clearly wasn't dreaming.

She'd been kidnapped, and just like the horrors she'd seen in her nightmares these past few days, they were coming to pass.

Panic filling her already, Madison started to shake violently, forcing her lids open and blinking countless times so the blurry vision would clear up, and she thanked the stars when she began to see some figures albeit painstakingly.

The room was no more dim, and it looked like someone had switched on the lights while she'd been lost in her head.

She craned her neck, and that's when she saw them. The source of the voices she'd been hearing. Hefty looking men dressed in black, and they all had their eyes on her.

They had guns, knives and other dangerous weapons strapped to their body, and dread forming at the pit of her stomach, Madison swallowed heavily when her gaze landed on an otherwise familiar face.

Familiar faces rather... and her stiff lips dropped open in shock when she recalled where she'd seen those men.

Two of them, they were standing too watching her intently, and she saw their faces clearly. The memories still engraved in her memory, she remembered them as the men that'd assaulted her and Gina that night at the club and instantly Madison started to wonder if they were the ones responsible for this kidnap.

Had they brought her here to teach her a lesson? Or were they part of something more sinister, and they'd marked her as a victim before that night? No! Madison refused to believe that.

As she continued to hold their gazes, she opened her mouth to say something but before she could, she heard one of the men, the one actually standing in front of her with a bucket in his hand yell, "Don't you dare say a thing!"

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