Chapter 36

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Madison licked the whipped cream off her fingers as she tossed the last piece of donut in her mouth.

She shut her eyes, nearly moaning at how good the snack tasted.

Working at a bakery had its perks after all, and as she licked her fingers once more, she walked into her kitchen, putting away the loaf of bread she had come back with safely in the only drawer in her kitchen.

She secretly prayed that the mice that usually roamed around the house wouldn't find it.

Walking back to her bed, she sighed, pulling off her shoes and tugging her clothes off. She had started work at the bakery officially a few days ago and so far it was going pretty great. The job was a little stressful as she had expected for such a nice pay, but well she wasn't complaining.

She had no choice, and moreover, she had also made a few friends these past few days, with Gina being there another huge bonus for her.

She was also delighted that she had someone to hang out with during lunch breaks, and also someone who walked with her back home. Everything was going fine, and Madison was slowly starting to believe that things were now going good for her.

However with all her experiences she knew not to get her hopes too high, because just as she was feeling positive, something could come tarnish this joy and she shuddered at the thought.

Tapping on her phone she saw that it was almost 8pm.

Time seemed to go by whenever she was was in her thoughts, and now she still needed to shower and get some rest which she absolutely needed.

As she wrapped her towel around herself and headed for the bathroom, her phone began to ring and whirling around to check who it was, she swallowed when she saw that it was Alvarez calling.

She just remembered that she had asked him to do something for her as regards the men stalking her, and now she didn't know why she was suddenly feeling worried that he might have bad news although she wasn't sure why.

"Hello, Alvarez." She greeted immediately she picked up, "What's up?"

"I'm okay. Is this a bad time to talk to you?"

Madison frowned, wondering if her voice had given her worries away, "No, no, of course not. I'm just a little tired, that's all."

"Oh okay." There was silence on the other end for a few seconds and then she heard Alvarez sigh, "I did as you asked. I spoke to Damien."

Madison's fingers clutched tightly at her towel, the second she heard the name she detested, and trying to steady her voice she asked, "And?"

"He knows nothing about the men stalking you. He didn't send any men to stalk you, and honestly he was telling the truth, I could tell that."

Her brows furrowed in surprise.

If it wasn't Damien then who was it? She shook her head, not quite understanding what was going on.

Damien was the only person interested in her and her family, since he still wanted his revenge. So if questions were being asked about her family around town and people were following her, then it had to be on Damien's orders, and now she was more than shocked by what Alvarez was saying.

Did this mean that there was someone else after her? She felt chills run down her body as she thought about it, her fists clenching tightly.

"If it's not Damien then... how come I was being followed? Who is following me, or am I just hallucinating and thinking things?" Madison asked, unable to keep the tremor out of her voice.

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