Chapter 38

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Katherine stretched herself out as she woke up, yawning and tying her hair back up in the ponytail it had been in last night.

She felt strangely refreshed this morning compared to the way she had been feeling in the last few weeks, and she knew exactly why.

She had spent the night with Damien, and it had been more than blissful.

Turning over on the bed, she snaked an arm around Damien's torso, leaning in to plant a kiss on his cheek, lightly so she wouldn't wake him up.

Ever since they'd reconciled back at his office, Katherine felt like things were almost back to normal, and she was readily basking in this spare time.

These days he was now more than willing to take her out on dates, he was also starting to pay more attention to her and give her compliments when she wanted to hear them. Heck, he even let her make him lunch! What more could she possibly ask for? All that was left now was to slowly ease him into the talk about their marriage.

Katherine was already tired of waiting.

She had daydreams about how grand their wedding would be. It would be the talk of the town and would probably trend on social media for months. Her stomach bubbled with excitement from the thought. But she wasn't too bothered, since it wouldn't be long now as things were going really great for them.

She just had to go easy on him, and in a few months or even weeks there would be a diamond on her finger, and she would be officially his.

This thought bringing a smile to her face, she climbed out of the bed and made her way into the kitchen to find something to eat. She was rather hungry and because she was in high spirits today she decided she would have some meat.

Humming to herself, she sliced up some wheat bread, added her vegetables and ham, and poured herself a cup of coffee.

As she carried her sandwich off to the balcony, a knock sounded at the door. Katherine frowned as she wondered who could possibly be at the door.m this early.

From what she knew she wasn't expecting any visitors, and so was Damien to.

Tightening her robe around herself, she slowly unlocked the front door. Her brows furrowed in surprise when she saw that it was a postman. Why would the postman be here? She wondered.

It had been so long that she couldn't even remember the last time Damien received a letter.

"Mail for Mr Damien Daniels...?" The postman said, rousing her from her thoughts.

"I'm his girlfriend. He's asleep now so I'll take it."

The postman nodded, digging a hand into his messenger bag and slipping out a single letter which he handed to Katherine.

"Please, sign here." The man said and Katherine nodding, picked up the pen and signed.

When she was done, she hurriedly shut the door, still wondering why Damien had a letter in the mail. Out of curiosity, she turned the letter over to see who it was from, and her eyes fell on the name 'Madison Connor'.

"What the hell?" She muttered, her hands beginning to shake as rage pumped through her.

Why would that bitch send a letter to Damien? She wondered seething.

For all she knew Damien was not in contact with her, so what did this mean? Without a second thought she tore it open and began to read.

She paused in the middle of reading, as another blast of fury coursed through her.

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