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My dad comes into the dorm, a deep frown etched across his face. He sets down more of my belongings and massages his lower back, clearly exhausted. "I can't wait to kick my feet up tonight," he mutters.

His eyes soften whenever his eyes meet mine again. "Cheer up kiddo."

I live with Hello Kitty. The whole left side of my dorm was a pink nightmare. The bedspread, pillows, and even the figurines on her desk make me question how on earth we were ever matched as roommates. K-pop posters plastered on the walls and the sickly sweet scent of strawberry syrup lingering in the air make me want to escape through the nearest window.

"Roxanne and I are so proud of you." He sits on my bed and grabs Anna from one of the boxes. "Your mother is too."

I quietly accept Anna from his hands and place her gently on the bed. We exchange our goodbyes, and shortly after, I decide to venture out and explore the campus. There are still various activities happening, and I can only imagine the buzz during move-in day. Unfortunately, I was still in New York preparing for the move when Welcome Week kicked off almost a week ago. Everywhere I look, I see groups of friends, cliques forming effortlessly, and as always, I'm alone.

My grandmother once told me that death changes a person, that they'll never be the same. But what if... you never truly knew who you were to begin with?I stroll down fifth avenue with no particular destination in mind when I spot my roommate, Jade. Thanks to her online profile, I recognize her instantly, especially with her vibrant highlighter pink top. She's sitting with a group of girls, and I consider pretending not to see her and heading back to the dorm. But before I can make my escape, our eyes lock. A wide grin spreads across her face, and she excitedly jumps up from her stool to greet me.

"Hey there, roomie!" With a burst of energy, she pushes through the door and wraps her arms around my torso in a tight hug, her honey hair glinting in the sun.

"How'd you know where to find me?" She asks, genuinely curious. Her accent is nauseatingly sweet, and I can tell she's the kind of girl who enjoys her fair share of Taylor Swift, Pilates, and an oatmilk chai expresso- in that order.

The rest of the girls file out the shop and I want to float away. Jade, still grinning, gazes up at me and remarks, "You're taller than I expected... and even prettier." A few giggles escape from the group.

"Wait, how do you know what she looks like?" one of the girls interjects.

She releases her embrace and leans in closer to me, as if now we're a duo

"Tagged photos on Instagram," she says matter-of-factly, her mischievous eyes catching mine for a moment. The other girls burst into laughter. It's clear that Jade is the type of girl who knows how to command attention effortlessly.

Of course I know girls like this. The type to suck up all the attention whenever they go. I wonder if she has to try or if it comes naturally.

As each of the girls introduces themselves, I make a mental note to remember their names, although I know I won't.


"Where are we going?" As we arrive at the dorm across the street, I can't help but ask. The rest of the girls from my floor have scattered to prepare for some party tonight, but I've decided to stick around with Jade and her new friend Madison, whom she met during a summer program at the university.

When flowers shed tears (Presence #1)Where stories live. Discover now