chapter 3

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I stood up and walked to the door, feeling a sense of unease and disgust

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I stood up and walked to the door, feeling a sense of unease and disgust. The mysterious man had returned, and I couldn't help but wonder what he had in store for me this time. As I reached the door, I sat down and took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

The man pushed a white, dirty bag to me, and my heart sank as I realized what it was. Pads. I had asked for them, but the fact that the kidnapper had control over my basic needs was almost too much to bear.

I opened the bag and took out the pads, feeling a mix of emotions - relief at having what I needed, but also confusion and anger at the situation I found myself in.

But to my surprise, there was more in the bag. A bottle of water and a bar of chocolate. I felt a glimmer of hope and humanity in the midst of my captivity. It was an awkward feeling, thanking the man who had taken me from my life, but I knew I had to show some gratitude. I took another deep breath and said, "Thank you."

I couldn't help but wonder what the kidnapper's game was. Did he feel any remorse for what he had done? Was he trying to manipulate me, or was this a twisted form of kindness? I tried to push these thoughts out of my mind and focus on the present moment.

As I ate the chocolate and drank the water, I began to think about my life before the kidnapping. The times I took for granted, the people I loved, and the things I wanted to do. I wondered if I would ever be able to go back to my old life, or if this was my new reality. The thought of being trapped forever was almost too much to bear, but I knew I had to stay strong and keep fighting.

As I finished the chocolate and water, I put the pads back in the bag and set it aside. I knew I had to be grateful for the small things in life, even in the midst of my captivity. But I also knew that I had to keep fighting and never give up hope.

I took a deep breath and said "Hey!" I waited for his answer, but he remained silent. I asked him if he spoke English, but he still didn't respond.

I started to feel frustrated and wondered why he wasn't answering me. Was he deaf? Did he not understand me? I tried again, "Hola?" but still, nothing.

I began to feel a little anxious. I was in an unfamiliar place, and I didn't know why I was there or who this person was. I decided to try one more time. "I know you're here, why don't you talk to me? Don't you speak English?"

Before I could speak again, he threw a little paper at me. I felt happy that I would finally know why I was there. I opened the paper and read it. It only said, [ shut up. ]

I felt a wave of anger wash over me. Why was he being so rude? I had done nothing wrong.

I realized that I was going to have to find another way to communicate with him. I looked around the room for clues. There was nothing on the walls, no pictures or posters.

I decided to try writing a note to him. I asked him why I was there and what he wanted from me. I waited for him to respond, but nothing from him.

I started to feel hopeless. Was I ever going to get out of here? Was I ever going to find out why I was here? But then I remembered something my dad had told me when I was a little girl. He said that when things seemed hopeless, you had to keep trying. You had to keep pushing forward, even when it seemed like there was no way out.

So I decided to keep trying. I wrote another note and asked him if he could at least tell me his name.

After he wrote { shut up ] again, I started to feel really frustrated and scared. I didn't know what to do with him. I was trapped in this room with a person who refused to communicate with me.

I started to wonder if he was a stalker or something. Why else would he be keeping me here? I tried to stay calm and asked him 'if he liked me'. I didn't believe I was saying it, but I had to know why I was there.

But he still didn't answer. I started to feel really vulnerable and scared. I didn't know what was going to happen next. I decided to try a different approach. I asked him if 'he wanted to touch me,' but he just threw another piece of paper at me.

I was so disappointed when I saw that it was another "shut up" note. I started to feel like I was never going to get out of there. But then I remembered what my best friend had told me. She said that I was stronger than I thought I was.

So I decided to keep trying. I wrote him another note and asked him why he was keeping me there. I waited for him to respond,

After waiting for his response, I realized that he wasn't going to say anything. I didn't know what to do. I felt so frustrated and angry. I took a deep breath and said "f*ck you" to him. I knew it wouldn't make a difference, but it felt good to say it out loud.

I went back to the bed and sat down. It was soft, and I felt comfortable. I covered myself with the blanket and closed my eyes. I started to think about my dad. I missed him so much.

I started to think about all the times I had spent with him. We used to go on long walks together, and he would tell me stories about his childhood. He had grown up in a small town, and he had always dreamed of traveling the world. He never got the chance to do that, but he had made sure that I did.

I remembered the time we had gone on a road trip together. We had driven through the countryside, and he had pointed out all the different types of trees and flowers. He had a passion for nature, and he had instilled that in me.

I stood up and walked over to the door. I tried the handle, and to my surprise, it turned. The door opened, and I saw a long hallway. I didn't know where it led, but I knew that I had to take a chance.

I started to walk down the hallway. I didn't know what was going to happen next, but I knew that I had to keep going.

I heard footsteps behind me, and I turned around. It was him. He was following me.

I started to run, and he chased after me. I didn't know how long I could keep running, but I knew that I had to keep going. I saw a door at the end of the hallway, and I knew that I had to make it there.

I ran as fast as I could, and I made it to the door. I opened it, and I saw the outside world. I was free. I turned around to look at him, but he was gone.

I started to cry tears of joy and relief. I'm free.


Vagueness!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang