🍂 Thirty Six

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Red View's street lights glowed outside Annie's kitchen windows as she washed dishes, mind wandering to that afternoon. Cliff had been so vulnerable with her again, so tense when he first showed up that even through the kiss hello she'd noticed it.

Had he really thought she'd end things between them because he couldn't have children? It broke her heart to think of what was stolen from him, but it didn't change her feelings. She loved him--and to know that he was taking things seriously enough between them that it was important to him to tell her that gave her a little thrill.

She closed the dishwasher just as the doorbell rang, and her stomach sank. She was fairly certain she knew who it was, and she wasn't eager to see her sister. She should have made some excuse when Faye told her she'd be stopping by again. Made up some lie about going out of town, or texted her the next day to say she came down with something and didn't want to give it to her.

When she looked out of the peephole and saw Faye standing there bundled in her big fur coat, she managed a little smile as the never-ending hope that they might get along rekindled in her for the millionth time.

Faye flashed a perfectly white grin when Annie opened the door. "Finally. It's freezing. I brought you something." She lifted a hand, holding a shiny shopping bag.

Annie stepped back to let her inside as the flame of hope was fanned. "Really? You didn't have to. I really like the necklace, by the way." She reached for her collarbones, where the small snowflake-shaped pendant was sitting. Even without knowing the price, she was sure it was the most expensive thing in her jewelry box.

"Well, you only turn twenty-four once," she teased, handing the bag to Annie when she'd shut the door. "And this is for Christmas. I'll be in London, so I figured I'd give it to you early."

"Oh," Annie took the bag, which crinkled from the baby pink tissue paper stuffed inside. "I'm sorry I don't have yours yet. I haven't started my shopping yet, actually."

"Really?" Faye arched an eyebrow and headed for the living room, plopping down on the couch. She looked out of place, Annie realized. The apartment was too tiny, too thrift-store. The mismatched furniture and bright pillows and curtains clashed with her all-black outfit, which seemed all the more luxurious when surrounded by the snagged and washed-out fabrics. Annie tried not to feel embarrassed--it wasn't the first time something looked bad in comparison to her sister, and it wouldn't be the last. "Usually you're the first to have it done. Too distracted by your new beau?"

She couldn't stop herself from smiling, face warming at the mention of Cliff.

Her sister hummed. "That good, huh?"

"It's... he's nice," Annie managed, not entirely sure how far into it she wanted to get with Faye. She'd tried to extend this olive branch time and time again, only for it to be swatted away. "I guess that probably has something to do with it, yeah. I've been busier than usual. I actually have a social life for once, so..."

"Well?" Faye gestured to the bag as Annie sat in the chair across from her. "Don't you want to open it?"

"Before Christmas?"

Faye rolled her eyes. "I won't get to see what you think of it if you open it on Christmas."

Annie laughed and did her best not to let the tone sting. "Right." She set the bag on her lap and removed the tissue paper, revealing neatly-folded black fabric inside. She reached in, taking out what unfolded into a slinky, low-cut dress that she couldn't possibly imagine herself in. "It's... Wow." Knowing the places that Faye tended to shop, she couldn't imagine the price tag. "Thank you, Faye."

"I figured since you've joined the dating world, you'll officially need a little black dress. Give that man of yours something pretty to look at. Even if he's a little tough on the eyes."

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