🍂 Twenty Six

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Cliff could see now why Jack wasn't taking wedding reservations for the orchard yet--Kenzie's bridal party was getting ready upstairs in the master bedroom, and the kitchen had been turned into a makeshift place for the men to get ready and stay put so that Marshall wouldn't see Kenzie in her dress. Deodorants, combs, and hair gels were spread on the countertops, and Layla's standing mirror had been hauled downstairs for them to use. The business would make a lot more sense when both wedding parties had somewhere to get ready and wait around until the ceremony started. 

Maybe he could pull his weight by helping out with the construction, Cliff thought. No, probably not. Knowing Jack, he already had an expensive, professional crew for the job--one that wouldn't need a bumbling musician who knew how to mediocrely patch a roof or build a shelf.

"I should have brought another shirt." Marshall blotted his forehead with a handkerchief. "I'll sweat through this one before I'm even at the altar."

Dawson looked in the mirror and straightened his tie. "Just thank God you didn't have a summer wedding."

David sat down at the kitchen island, an amused smile on his face as he eyed his best friend. "Just relax, Marsh. When has one of your freak-outs ever actually been warranted?"

"How about when I didn't want to walk across the stage at our high school graduation, and when I relented and went like everyone wanted me to, I tripped after Mr. Waters handed me my diploma?"

"Okay, so that's one time out of the hundreds of things you've ever gotten worked up about."

Adam poked his head in the room from the hallway. "Almost showtime. A few cars just pulled in."

David stood, patting Marshall on the back. "You gonna be okay if I go help get people seated?"

Marshall nodded, though his frown and hunched shoulders didn't make it very convincing. "Yeah. Thanks, guys," he called after David and Adam as they went to get the guests settled for the ceremony.

"Do you want some coffee?" Jack asked, already pouring himself a cup at the counter.

"Do you want me to keel over?" Marshall laughed, but his usually-rosy face was pale, and the laughter lacked its usual ease. Even his father, who'd left with Roman earlier to check that the band and caterers would be there on time, hadn't been able to calm him down. "I think caffeine is the last thing I need right now. I feel like I've had thirty energy drinks."

"You should sit down," Cliff suggested, pulling out one of the island stools. He knew enough about nerves to write a book, and while getting rid of them was nearly impossible, there were at least techniques to help get them under control.

Marshall obliged, though his leg started bouncing the second he sat down. "Thanks."

"Try to take some deep breaths."

Marshall did, though they were so comically fast that Cliff thought he was joking at first.

Barely managing to suppress his laughter, he advised, "Slower. Don't breathe out so fast."

The groom followed the directions and slowed his breathing, eyes falling shut in concentration. That was good--the more he was focused on breathing, the less he was focused on the fact that he'd be getting married in an hour. Dawson strolled over, resting a hip against the island. He looked the total opposite of Marshall, relaxed and at ease even in a suit and tie.

"You're not nervous, Marshall," Cliff said, earning a laugh from Dawson as Marshall's eyes shot open.

"Like Hell I'm not. You try standing up there in front of all your friends and family, saying your vows."

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