🍂 Thirty Four

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Gabby came over to Annie's the next day on her lunch break, bringing carry-out sandwiches and open ears, begging Annie to spill all the details of her latest date with Cliff. By the time Annie finished talking about Faye, how jarring it was to see her and how wonderfully Cliff had handled it, both women had clean plates and full stomachs.

"He's not the only one who will stick up for you now," Gabby said, leaning back in her chair. "I hope you know that. But I'm glad it was him, if it means you got to see how much he really cares about you."

"Thanks." Annie smiled, warmth spreading over her at the memory and the knowledge that her new friends would have her back, too. "I didn't expect him to say anything, really. Actually, to be completely honest, I thought he was going to fall head over heels for her as soon as she walked through the door."

Gabby gawked. "After the kiss you just described? I think it's safe to say he's committed to you, Annie."

She blushed at the memory. "I don't have anything to base it on, but... God, he's a great kisser. I feel..." She shook her head, not knowing how to phrase feelings that were so overwhelming. Faye's words about looking young crept back into her mind--she sure sounded young. Inexperienced and giddy, with desires she had no idea how to act upon. "I must sound like a teenager."

"You sound happy," Gabby corrected sternly.

"I am. I really..." Love him, she wanted to say, but admitting it to Gabriela before saying it to Cliff somehow didn't feel right. "I want to be with him," she confessed, not knowing how else to phrase it.

Gabby only stared for a second. "You are with him."

Her face went hotter, and she busied herself with clearing the table. "No, I mean..." Her chair squeaked against the floor as she stood, reaching for the plates. "I want to... be with him."

Gabriela was clearly holding back a laugh when Annie met her eyes. With a sigh, Annie turned and walked the few steps to the kitchen.

"You can say sex, Annie," Gabby spoke to her back as she placed the dishes in the sink. "The police won't come bust down the door."

Sighing, Annie rolled her eyes and turned around. "It's not funny, Gabby. I mean, that's my problem right there in a nutshell."

"What is?"

"I dance around the word sex. I'm as seductive as... as a chair," she said, walking back over and sitting down.

Gabby did laugh this time, shaking her head. "Between what happened outside the diner and what happened in here yesterday, it sounds to me like you've already seduced him. It's normal to be nervous, but you don't need to be worried."

Annie shrugged, dropping her gaze. She was worried. She wasn't some vixen, some siren who knew what to do and just how to do it--and she didn't have anything to make up for that lack of knowledge. She was just... Annie. Plain, simple, boring. Every second, she was worried that Cliff would blink and come to realize that.

"I've never..." She didn't need to finish that sentence. Gabby knew she'd never even been on a date before, so the confession was obvious. "I don't want him to be disappointed."

Gabby reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze, drawing Annie's gaze back to hers. "He likes you Annie. Because you're you. And I'd bet a million bucks he's worried about disappointing you."

Annie shook her head, letting out a quiet laugh. "That's ridiculous. He couldn't."

Gabby gave her a look that plainly said, duh. "Exactly. And you couldn't disappoint him, either. The two of you aren't just looking for sex. You're looking for sex with each other."

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