16 and Pregnant

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Hi, I'm Jen! I was born in May of 1985, so I'll be seventeen this spring. I've lived in Oak Falls, New York, since I was a baby, and I'm a junior at Valley Hill High School. My mom had me at sixteen, and she left when I was only a few months old. We never found out who my dad was.

It's hard not knowing my parents, and sometimes I struggle because I don't know where they are or what they're doing, or even if they're still alive. It really sucks to think that my own parents don't care about me, but despite all that, I still have my Grandpa Oscar and Grandma Poppy, who raised me and gave me everything I needed. I grew up like an only child, so I do get kinda spoiled sometimes.

My boyfriend? That's Oliver. We met in the hallway on our first day of freshman year, when he showed me where one of my classrooms was. We started talking and it felt like love at first sight. I never thought I'd fall for someone so nerdy, but he really swept me off my feet with his mop of dark curly hair and glasses. He's the sweetest, most supportive boyfriend a girl could ask for, and I hope we can grow old together.

Back in freshman and sophomore year, Oliver and I used to spend a lot of time together. This year,  he's one of the leaders in our school's marching band, and he's been really busy. He wants to be a band teacher and major in music when he goes to college, so I try my best to be supportive, even though I want to spend more time with him.

When I'm not with Oliver, I love hanging out with my two best friends, Karen and Nassi. We love going to the movies and shopping at the mall together. They call me the "Clearance Queen" because I'm obsessed with getting things for a deal. I haven't paid full price for an outfit or pair of shoes since I started shopping for myself. Finding deals is my favorite hobby.

My friends and grandparents think I'm crazy, but I think they just don't get it. My dream is to start my own company that teaches people smart ways to shop, so they can have more money to support their families.

A few months ago, I quit my part-time job at the video store to babysit my next door neighbor, Annie. Her dad died a few months ago in the twin towers, so her mom needed someone to take care of Annie while she went back to work. I didn't really want to become a babysitter because I liked working at the video store, but Grandpa Oscar volunteered me for the job, so I felt like I couldn't back out.

On weekdays, I get off the bus from school, then go right next door to my neighbor's house to get Annie off her bus. I cook, clean a little, and help Annie with her homework until her mom gets home at six, so I usually have to stay up late to finish my own homework when I finally get home.

Annie's a smart kid and fun to be around, but she's still having a lot of trouble adjusting to her dad not being around. She can be a handful sometimes, but I do love her to pieces, and her mom pays really well, so I try to look on the bright side: I can do more clearance shopping with my friends in the little spare time that I have. 

I never thought I'd like taking care of a six-year-old, but I should probably get used to taking care of a kid and looking for deals on a lot more stuff because...

I'm pregnant!


Here we go, the Surprisingly Perfect prequel!

I based this chapter off of the intros for MTV's 16 and Pregnant, if you didn't notice.

See you next week!

Full BloomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora