viii. it's renesmee

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They brought Bella up to Carlisle's office. Elizabeth quickly changed her from her normal clothes to a hospital gown. "Rosalie, pass the morphine." Edward said. Alice called Carlisle and told him what was going on. Rosalie handed Edward the syringe as Elizabeth wiped Bella's forehead with a towel. "Carlisle said the placenta must have detached." Alice said. Edward drove the syringe into Bella's leg. "I was going to suggest we try and do this naturally, but it's basically impossible with a detached placenta." Elizabeth said. "He's coming as fast as he can, but-" Rosalie cut her off. "We'll have to do it." She said.

"Elizabeth, you have the experience. We're gonna need all your help." Alice said. "Not with getting cut open I don't." Elizabeth yelled. Rosalie grabbed the scalpel, going to cut Bella's stomach open. Edward grabbed her hand to stop her. "Rose! Let the morphine spread." He said. "There's no time. He's dying." Rosalie said. "Get him out now!" Bella yelled. "Look at me, Bella." Jacob said, trying to distract Bella as Rosalie cut into her stomach. Bella screamed and closed her eyes. She opened them to see Rosalie staring at her hand covered in Bella's blood.

"Rosalie, don't!" Edward shouted out and Jacob tackled her. "Angela, get them out of here!" Elizabeth said. It would be unsafe for Rosalie and Alice to be in the room. The scent of Bella's blood would drive them crazy. "Save her. You've got to change her." Jacob said. "We can't. Not while she's still in there." Elizabeth said. "We have to get her out first." "Stay, Bella. Stay focused. Keep your heart beating." Jacob said, trying to distract Bella from the pain. "No! He's suffocating!" Bella yelled out. Edward bit into Bella's stomach, opening it up more. He wiped his mouth with his hand when he pulled away.

"I can't." He said. Elizabeth ducked down and bit at Bella's flesh, tearing it apart. She pulled the baby out and hander her to Edward. She started crying. "It's Renesmee." Edward said to Bella. "You're beautiful." Bella whispered. Edward placed Renesmee on Bella's chest. Renesmee bit her and started crying. Edward took her back. Renesmee looked over at Bella, who looked lifeless. "Bella?" Jacob said, shaking her. "Bella? Bella!" He started doing chest compressions on her. Edward handed Renesmee to Elizabeth and she grabbed a towel to wipe all the blood off of her.

Rosalie entered the room. "I'll take her." She said. "I promise I'm okay. Let me." Elizabeth handed the baby to her mate. Rosalie left the room and Edward grabbed a giant syringe of venom from the drawer. "What is that?" Jacob asked. Edward drove the syringe into Bella's heart. "It's my venom. I'm not letting my daughter grow up without a mother." He said. "You're okay. Come on." He said, waiting for Bella to wake up. He started doing chest compressions. "It's supposed to be working. Oh, my God. Come on. Bella, come on."

Jacob left the room as Edward continued doing chest compressions. "You're not dead. You're not dead. Come on! Come on!" "Edward, you have to." Elizabeth said. He leaned down and bit into Bella's neck. He pulled away. "Elizabeth, help me!" He shouted. Elizabeth leaned down and started biting her sister anywhere she could. "Come back to us, Bella, please." Elizabeth whispered after her and Edward had bit her multiple times each. 

Edward and Elizabeth heard the wolves approaching. "Alice! Jasper!" Edward called out. "You're going to be alright." Elizabeth said to Bella and kissed her on the forehead. Elizabeth and Edward ran out of Carlisle's office. They met up with Alice and Jasper and headed outside. The wolves appeared through the trees. "We're outnumbered." Elizabeth pointed out. It was the four of them against Sam, Paul, Jared, Collin, and Brady. "I won't let them hurt my family." Edward said. 

The wolves and the vampires ran at each other. Elizabeth ended up on the ground with Jared on top of her. "Jared, please! You know me! You can't hurt me!" She yelled out. Suddenly, Jared was thrown off of her. Elizabeth stood up to see Emmett standing protectively in front of his mate. She kissed him quickly before turning her attention back to the fight. Jacob, Leah, Embry, and Quil appeared in their wolf forms. Jared had attacked Alice but Leah tackled him. Jacob ran into the fight. Embry and Quil nuzzled up against Bree before turning to the newest pack members.

Elizabeth ran over to Bree and grabbed onto her. The wolves had them cornered. Seth ran out of the house. "Stop! It's over!" He yelled. Sam went to attack him. "If you kill her, you kill me." Seth said. Sam attacked Seth, sending him flying. Seth shifted in the air and growled at Sam. Edward read his mind. "Seth imprinted." He told everyone. "They can't hurt." "Whoever a wolf imprints on can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." Elizabeth explained. The wolves turned around and ran back through the forest.

Seth turned back around to face Edward who nodded. Seth, Jacob, Embry, Leah, and Quil all walked behind the trees to shift back. They did and came back out. Everyone went back into the house to see Angela and Rosalie with Renesmee. Rosalie held her out to Elizabeth. Elizabeth grabbed her. "Hi." She whispered. Renesmee looked up at her with warm brown eyes. Just like Bella had. Seth cleared his throat. "Can I?" He asked, gesturing to Renesmee. Elizabeth nodded and placed her in Seth's arms. Seth smiled before leaning down and kissing her on the head.

Elizabeth sat down on the couch next to Rosalie and Emmett. Bree laid down across their laps. Embry and Quil sat down by their feet. "What now?" Jacob asked, wrapping an arm around Angela. "There's nothing much left to do now." Alice said. "Besides wait." Jasper added. "Wait for what?" Leah asked. "For Bella to wake up." Edward responded. "You turned her?" Carlisle asked. Edward nodded. "Elizabeth and I did." Elizabeth sighed. "And now we wait."

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