Chapter 9

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"Kiyoomi, your friend is coming over. His parents have to go out of town so he'll stay here," Mrs Sakusa explained. "He's excited."

"Who? Miya Number One or both?" Kiyoomi asked, fear in his eyes as he tried reading.

They were thirteen now. A horrible age really. An age where every little thing was somehow irritating and made you snap like a spoiled brat. Everything hurt your feelings and it was pure hell. That's how Kiyoomi was certain he'd feel once the whichever Miya twin would arrive.

Apparently, it turned out that Osamu and Suna were capable of having teeny-tiny arguments over the most stupid of things and when that would happen, the twins would both appear at his house. That was the only reason he asked if he’d be annoyed by the presence of a two-in-one or not.

"Both of them are your friends?" Mrs Sakusa asked in surprise as Kiyoomi shook his head in denial, realizing his question was worded wrong. "Oh. I was getting excited for you. The other twin seems much more calm and polite.”

"That’s because he is," Kiyoomi snapped with a sigh. "Miya Number One is always yapping away and being loud and Miya Two is always clinging to Suna as if he can’t be anywhere else. Except I’d much rather stick to the one I'm always with because he's interestingly weird."

His Mother simply chuckled in reply, recovering from the slight shock of being snapped at.

"Interesting. Atsumu will be here soon so yeah. Osamu will be with Suna, as usual."

Kiyoomi hummed in understanding, going back to reading and he made it his goal to ignore his 'friend' once he arrived.

It was more or less fifteen minutes when there was a call from the gates saying Atsumu had arrived. Of course, Osamu was clearly with his best friend already and instead of crawling through the hole in the fence so they didn't have to travel around the neighbourhood to the Kiyoomi’s front gate, they made the way around.

The only reason being was because Atsumu had grown too big to fit through the second hole. That's right.

They had fixed the hole Atsumu kicked open and then on another spur-of-the-moment angry kick, he had broken a second part and instead of fixing that in fear that he’d just break another one to get to Kiyoomi and calm down, they left it open so that he could come and go as he pleased.

Kiyoomi didn't stir, keeping his book in his lap and even when Atsumu burst into the at-home library, he didn't get up.

"Omi-Omi! I haven't seen ya in weeks!"

"You saw me ereyesterday," Kiyoomi replied smartly.

"That was so long! I see Sunarin every day and I don't get to see my best friend half the time!"

Kiyoomi didn't seem bothered by that, instead continuing his book as if he didn't have a whole ass Atsumu making over exaggerated breaths and continuously rustling on a couch uncomfortably.

It was okay the first few minutes but then the twin began getting restless and would start adding in tapping or humming in uneven tunes. He was going through voice shift and his voice was slowly getting deeper. If Kiyoomi cared more, he'd probably have started falling in love with that voice sooner.

"Hey," Atsumu whispered directly into his ear. "Don't ignore me."

"Go away," Kiyoomi snapped, the feeling of heat going across his cheeks as he focused harder on his book.

"Yer not about to ignore me," Atsumu said in determination, lightly turning Kiyoomi's head as they looked eye to eye.

They were teammates at that time. They had seen each other shirtless and had seen each other like they’d seen everyone else, normal and without thought but now, it seemed as if the proximity of their faces was different. It was a different setting and they were alone. It was different from being surrounded by other players who were also sweaty and shirtless because now, there was no one else to interrupt their stare.

It was intense and weird. Weird in the sense that as Kiyoomi stared into Atsumu's honey-coloured eyes, he realized that they were a little pretty. 

Mayhaps it was then that Kiyoomi realized and began pushing down the fact that Miya Fucking Atsumu was probably a really nice choice to have for himself and he had to work on not snapping at him as much─ except that’d be hard.

Slowly, he turned his head and closed his book, setting it down as Atsumu beamed at him. He really wasn't going to be a brat for that time being.

"Okay. I'll keep you company this once."

And mayhaps it was the best yet worst decision he ever made because Atsumu used that moment to be the sweetest yet most horribly behaved person ever.

"Are ya ignorin' me, Omi?"

Kiyoomi was, indeed, ignoring him as he continued his client's hair, the blond's own head covered in chemicals as he waited until they could be washed out. He had no plans to answer the seated male but sometimes, the world hated him.

"Yeah, Sakusa, are ya ignorin' my brother?"

"No. I'm just focusing on your damn hair," Kiyoomi hissed.

He wasn’t in charge of setting up appointments. Hell, if he were, he'd’ve never specified which clients were supposed to arrive and he sure as hell would've never agreed to have Miya Fucking Osamu there at the same time as his brother.

"Well, I recommend answerin' 'im. Don't wanna listen to ‘im cryin' over how soft yer lips are or how cute yer ugly ass curls are."

If Kiyoomi had less self-control, he would've smacked Osamu without thought but all he could do was stay quiet while his cheeks burned. He officially hated the twins more than ever.

"SHUT YER TRAP!" Atsumu yelled, glaring holes at his brother through the mirror. "I don't tell everyone that ya think Sunarin gives the best french kisses and can hold ya down the way ya like it!"

"I didn't say anything intimate, ya stupid!"

"Both of you shut up," Kiyoomi groaned, tired from the arguments he always had to listen to from childhood. "Miya Number One is annoying and I didn't need to know he thought that of me and Miya Two can shut up and find Suna to keep his mouth closed!"

It went deadly quiet. No tension, yet Yachi nearly shook. It was understandable though. A cute, shy, quiet girl surrounded by three giant, muscled, six foot men and still expected to remain calm.

"I think we can wash your hair now," Yachi squeaked.

Atsumu followed to where he was to sit, Kiyoomi watching his movements as Osamu rolled his eyes, looking through the mirror.

"He's in fuckin' love and so are you but yer too blind to see the obvious," Osamu whispered so that only Kiyoomi could hear. "I'll dye my hair another time, just get it all nice and trimmed and I'll take my leave so both of ya can talk."

And it was so because the moment Kiyoomi finished, Osamu paid and made his way out, Yachi finishing up as well and quickly bidding them farewell the moment she noticed Osamu had left before time, not completing what he had been there for.

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