
14.8K 304 2

Hii beautiful,
Good Morning,
Happy 75th Independence Day India
Jai Hind


I am here for a little favor from you guys, first of all a big thank you to those who read my story but guys please do comment and vote to show your support and love to the story. Your votes  really motivate me and your opinions/comments really matter to me as it will guide me if I am going in the right direction or not.

I know I am not perfect in writing as it a completely new to me,I have lots of unorganized ideas and main task is to arrange those arrange those ideas and let me tell you it's very frustrating and tiring job. Now I know this. But I really wanted to try this once and trust me,I  really feel comfortable in this area as I am not an outgoing person and enjoy my solitude and my own company the most(introverts can feel me). I know, now that writing is my thing and it really gives me peace.

So, Please vote and do let me know your opinions n feedback that whether I should continue this story or not. Because we, writers, are writing these stories to you people and if you don't like them then I think it is useless as it wastes your and mine time.

Thank you for your time,
For hearing my thoughts
Waiting for your response...
Good bye
Take care

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