Chapter 9

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Hii, Beautiful people,
Enjoy the new update!


Author Pov

Now everyone is sitting and chatting; I mean, only Mrs.Singh and the boy's mother are gossiping, whereas Siya and others are awkwardly sitting and, from time to time, glancing at each other.
Siya is playing with her bangles, making jiggling sounds that make the girl sitting there irritated as she says, "Can you please stop playing with bangles?" Siya stopped playing while giving her nervous smile and rolled her eyes at the girl, who just rudely turned away from her to look into her phone.

"Behenji I think children should talk with each other in person and get to know each other. What do you think?", Karan's mother said yes; the boy's name is Karan Mishra; that girl is his sister Riya Mishra; and the lady is Mahima Mishra.

Mrs. Singh nodded and said, "Of course, Siya Beta, can you take Karan to the garden?" Siya smiled at her Ma while standing up from her place and politely gestured for him to follow her, who nodded and motioned with his hands to lead the way. Where both mothers smile while looking at their children.

Siya Pov

We have been sitting in the garden for like 15 minutes now, but no one is ready to start the conversation, and this silence makes me restless and irritable, so to cut the silence, I clear my throat to get his attention. Thank God, he looked at me, and I began with, "Hi, I know this is getting really awkward, so let just introduce ourselves. What do you think?" He just said "sure," still feeling uncomfortable. "So,I am Siya, and I am a teacher and caretaker of this orphanage. Now your turn." I tried to cut this awkwardness, and I think I was successful in it, as he gave me a small smile and said, "Hi, nice to meet you, Siya, and I am Karan, and I am a mechanical engineer in XYZ company." Now he looks relaxed.

"Now, I think it is much better, right?" Now I have completely come into my bak-bak form. "It is," he grins, looking at me and making me smile too. Just now I noticed he is really good-looking and charming, and his smile makes me feel comfortable around him. He looked around the garden with a soft look and said, "Your garden is beautiful."

"Thanks," I said as I looked at my garden with pride and affection. "Actually, I am sorry for my sister; sometimes she can be the most irritating person in this whole world." He is making a funny face expression as he describes his sister's behaviour, making me chuckle. "I don't mind her." I shrugged at him.

We lost ourselves in your thoughts for a few seconds before I began, "So, what do you think about this relationship?" I asked him, looking into his eyes. "You are really nice as a person. Vo... I think I like you." He rubbed his neck as his ears turned red. "What do you think about me?" His eyes move all over my faces to get any hint. "I don't know, but you seem like a nice person to me." There is a small smile on his face.

After a few more minutes of talking about our jobs, I said, "I think we should go back," and we stood up and walked into the living area, making everyone turn towards us. Ma walks to me, holds my hand in hers, and asks about my answer. I squish her palm and nod my head while looking down. She just hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead, tears brimming in her eyes.

"I am so happy, Meri Jaan."

"Congratulations, Mrs. Mishra." Ma hugs Karan's mother. "Apko bhi"
(you too)

After sharing congratulations and hugging each other, Mrs. Mishra got our attention as she cleared her throat loudly and began in a hesitant voice. "Mrs Singh I have one request for you, if you don't mind." Karan's mother pleaded

"Ji behn Ji kahiye ap," Ma assured as she blink her eyes.
(Yes, sister, say.)

"Can we do a small engagement ceremony right now if you don't mind?" she said, making me look at her for a second, and Ma looked at me for a moment and said, "But if we are not prepared, then how can we?"

"I came here prepared, and you don't have to worry about anything; just give your approval." She said in an assured tone, making Ma give her a grateful smile, "My Siya is very lucky to have you all as her family." Tears started to fall from her eyes as she sniffed and wiped them. Typical emotional Indian Ma.


"Siya, come here, dear," Karan's ma calls me to her. I make my way with small and soft steps and stand beside Ma and in front of her. Handing me a beautiful gold band, she says, "Let's start the ceremony!" in a loud voice, making everyone smile at her.

Me and Karan exchanged our rings, which were bought by his mother. After that, Ma, Karan's Ma, and his sister make us eat sweets. And then feed each other.

After discussing a few things about the wedding, they leave the house. After cleaning everything, Ma called me to her, making me sit beside her on the sofa. She asked, "Are you happy with this arrangement, Siya?". Kissing her palms, I said, "I am happy if you are happy."

"I am really happy for you; they're from a good family, and Karan seems like a good boy and will keep you happy. You deserve all the happiness in the world. God bless you, my child, and always protect you from evil eyes." She kissed my temple two times, made me put my head on her lap, and started massaging my skull. I don't know when sleep overtook my senses.

Ruhaan Pov

After a hectic and tiring day, I finally got home. Peace is what I feel here. It feels so good. As always, I can hear the chatting voice from the living area. Entering the living hall with my blazer and my laptop in my hand, I see that everyone is looking at something on the table while talking; they are so engrossed that they didn't even notice me. I greet everyone in a loud voice to make them aware of my presence. "Good evening, people."

Everyone flinched because of the sudden loud noise and glared at me. "Muje Tu apni shadi nhi dekhne dega kya?" Dadi taunted me, pointing her walking stick at me. Making me roll my eyes at her melodrama.
(You won't let me see your wedding, huh?)

I am telling you all what a drama queen she is. "Don't roll your eyes at me, handsome,or I will poke your eyes with my cane stick," she warns, making me gulp in fear. She is a gangster dadi and insane; she can do anything. Everyone is laughing silently while covering their mouth.

"Come here, Bhai, and see what we have for you." Vivaan came to me, and holding my wrist, he dragged me to where everyone was sitting. As he made me sit with him, I just gave him a confused look. And start showing me photos of girls that they were looking at. I raised my brows at them.

"Ru, we are choosing a bride for you; now that you are here, tell me." With a boring look, I looked at Ma and said, "I give this responsibility to you guys; I want to marry a girl of your choice."

"At least tell me what kind of girl you want?"Ma asked me. "I don't really care, Ma, but if she respects and loves you all as her family, that is enough for me." I told her as everyone looked at me with heart eyes, and Ma kissed my forehead and embraced me. Making me sigh as I feel peace in her arms.

"Ma, you don't love me like you love Bhai; this is not fair." Vivaan whines and pouts, looking towards Papa, who just shrugs his shoulders in defeat and says, "I know Beta, even I have to share my wife's love," and makes a sad face. I pull out of the hug and look at their drama with bored eyes, and Ma just ignores them.

In our family, drama runs in our blood; it's a genetic disease, and Dadi is the main source of these genes. So, to add a bit of tadka to their bickering, I said seriously, "Ma loves me more because you are adopted. Papa had found you in the nali (ditch) crying, so feeling pity for you, he picked you up with your nappy and took you home. Hearing about you, Ma started crying and requesting that Papa adopt you. That is how you are here now."

Vivaan gives me a 'Are you nuts?' type look. "Seriously, you didn't get any other story to tell; that sounds more real."

"What! It is true, right, papa?" Papa also nodded his head to tease and irritate him more. He looked at him with narrowed eyes, but Papa royally ignored him, making him whine loudly. "You all team up together against me, really nice Roy family! Nice!" He claps his hands to mock us. He is getting frustrated with us. But suddenly he makes a crying face with puppy eyes and says, "No one loves me."

Dadi melts down at his drama, hugs him like he is a baby, and says while rubbing his head, "Enough! Now no one bothers my baby." Playing with her saree pallu, he grinned at her, showing all 32 teeth.

"I love my sweet boy. What if he is adopted?" His 440-volt smile got fused, whereas Dadi started laughing like crazy with us. He rolled his eyes at our drama but soon cracked up.

What a crack family I have!


Such a amazing family Ruhaan have, right?
Families are really a god blessing, so love and take care of your family cuz in the end only they are the one who will stand with you in your good and bad time. Never take your family at grant.

Ok then this is enough gyan for today.

Goodbye guys
Take care of yourself
See you really soon

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