Chapter 57:

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I've decided that the smartest way for me to cope is by getting drunk. But this red wine doesn't do much.

I haven't stopped crying since I've locked myself in my room. The curtains are closed and I have no idea what time it is.

I've passed out six times in the past four hours and I feel like I can't breathe.

My head is pounding and I look around for my phone. I can't feel it.

I realise that I still haven't had a chance to get it replaced. I need to do that soon.

I reach for the bottle of wine and pick it up. To my luck it's empty.

It's gotten to a point where I've given up with wiping my eyes and cheeks. They just get wet again two seconds later.

My eyes are so sore.

I drag myself off my bed and put my shoes on. I grab my credit card and put it in my pocket.

I unlock my door and go downstairs.

Luckily no body's in the kitchen. I open the cupboard and take out the tequila.

I pour half of it in a water bottle and put it back in its place.

I open the front door and start walking, expecting someone to see me.

Luckily I'm not that drunk and my leg feels a bit better so I can leave the house.

I start walking away from the house and down the tunnel so I can reach the main part of the city.

It takes me a 45 minute walk. I drink some of the tequila and continue walking.

I walk to the apple store and step inside. I walk past the table full of phones.

'How can I help you?' A woman asks.

I squint when I look at her, trying to focus on her face.

'Could I get the IPhone 11 Pro Max please.' I slightly slur at the end of the sentence.

'What colour?' She asks.

'Silver, could I get a SIM card with that?' I ask.

She goes behind the desk and quickly comes back out with the phone.

'That'll be $1867,' she says. 'Cash or card.'

'Card,' I reply taking a gulp of tequila. It stings the back of my throat but I ignore it.

I pay for my phone and the lady wishes me a good day.

I walk out of the store and walk further down the street.

I'm closing my bottle when I bump into a hard chest. A familiar minty smell hits me and I look up.

'Hey,' Raphael says.

'Hey,' I say.

I take another gulp of tequila.

'Are you alright?' He asks.

'Yeah I'm fine,' I slur.

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