Chapter 44:

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At that moment the loudest alarm I have heard bursts through all the speakers and fills the whole building with noise.

'Split up, we'll meet up at the other base!' Alessandro yells.

Lorenzo grabs Amira's hand and runs down a corridor with her.

'You have a gun, you use it,' Adriano says grabbing my hand. 'I'm not letting you out of my sight.'

We run down a corridor and see so much trainees being escorted out. There's no sight of Matteo and Jasmine.

'We need to get to the garage.' Adriano says.

'We'll get there,' I say.

We run down a set of stairs and I see about eight  FBI agents and they start shooting at us.

I cock my gun and we start shooting at them. Four drop dead and Adriano and I continue running down a flight of stairs.

We bump into Vittoria, who has blood on her face.

'Adriano lets go,' She says.

I go to run with them but she stops me.

'You go to the car and stay there,' she commands. 'I don't need you putting anyone at risk.'

'She's staying with me,' Adriano snarls.

'She will go to the car, escorted by some bodyguards,' Vittoria snaps. I look at the bodyguards and see that Jake is there.

Adriano and her square up to each other. She glares at him and he doesn't move.

'Go to the car Dilara,' he says not looking at me.

'I'll be fine Adriano,' I say.

He turns to me and presses his lips onto mine and kisses me. I kiss him back softly and it feels like the alarm sound fades out, until he pulls away.

He presses his forehead to mine and I see that it pains him to let me go.

'I said, go back to the car,' he mumbles.

'I'll be safe.' I say. He pecks my lips quickly and turns to the bodyguards.

'She dies, you die.' He snarls.

'Yes sir,' Jake replies.

I quickly walk away followed by four bodyguards. Two on my right and two on my left.

We run down the stairs and down more corridors. We're greeted by more FBI agents.

They start shooting at us and the bodyguards show them no remorse. I don't even have to lift my gun before there are only dead bodies in front of me.

We continue running and we pass a room and I make eye contact with an FBI agent.

Detective Stevens.


His face drops when he sees me and he signals to his colleagues.

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