Chapter 42:

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We drive through a dark tunnel and two huge back doors open up leading us into a garage. The training headquarters is really hidden.

We park the car and a body guard opens Adriano's door for him and another one opens my door and helps me out.

They lead us through a huge hall filled with adults and teenagers training. We spot Jasmine and Matteo and they walk over to us.

Jasmine has her long hair tied up into a ponytail and she has a black cast on her arm.

'What happened?' I ask.

'I beat her in a fight,' Matteo smirks.

'Don't lie,' Adriano says. Matteo feigns being hurt by what he said.

'One of the weights fell on me,' Jasmine replies.

'Oh shit,' Adriano says.

'Adriano Vittoria is waiting for you,' Alora says peering her head through the door.

We turn around to go but I feel a tap on my back. I turn around and see Jasmine.

'Can I talk to you?' She asks.

'Sure,' I reply. Adriano turns around to me.

'Go on I'll catch up,' I signal to the bodyguards. He nods and walks off with Alora.

'Matteo can you give us some privacy?' I ask.

He frowns.

'Get moving asshole,' Jasmine glares at him.

He puts his hands up and winks at her. He turns around and walks away. He is literally a mini Adriano.

'What did you want to talk about?' I ask.

'I'm sorry if I came off as arrogant or rude when we first met,' She says looking down.

'It's fine,' I reply.

'I was going through a lot of things, I had just ran away from my abusive foster family and I didn't think I could trust you guys, especially since you all had guns.' She explains sheepishly.

'We all have our bad days, like today I wasn't really in the right mindset before coming here, but I'm happy now,' I say.

'Vittoria has been very nice to me,' she fiddles with her shirt.

'You have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear,' I say, making her look up at me. 'We're not going to hurt you.'

She smiles at me.

'Thanks Dilara,' she says hugging me.

She lets go of me and I look over to one of the bodyguards.

'Can you guys take me to Adriano?' I ask.

'Who are you to him?' One of them asks. He has half of his blonde hair shaved and filled with tattoos.

'You saw me walk in with him,' I frown.

'Who are you to him,' he repeats ignoring me.

Two more body guards walk over to me and go to grab my arms.

'His girlfriend motherfucker.' I snap.

They stop in their tracks.

'Sorry for the inconvenience, it's a security measure.' The guy says. 'I'm Jake.' I glare at him and he clears his throat.

'Follow me,' he says quickly. We walk out of the combat training hall and pass another one which specialises in knives.

We walk up a couple stairs and finally reach a huge meeting room.

I walk in and the long rectangle table is at the side covered in weapons of all kinds.

There are four seats in the middle of the room. Xuan and the Blondie are occupying two of them. The man who I shot is in the other and so is the man who attacked Adriano.

Amira, wearing a grey turtle neck, black leather trousers and white turban stands behind Xuan.

Zoya whose in an all grey tracksuit with her red braids in a ponytail and Alessandro lean against the table filled with weapons and Lorenzo and Adriano stand next to Vittoria.

Alora is leaning against the wall, one leg up, with her arms crossed and is quietly arguing with Terzo.

'We need to figure out who sent them,' Vittoria says.

'Do you think they're part of The Ravens?' Alessandro asks.

I ignore Vittoria's lingering gaze and walk over to Adriano.

'I told you I don't know who the fuck these people are!' Xuan screams.

'Shut him up,' Adriano snarls.

'Shut up.' Amira hits him with the back of her gun.

'You look pissed,' Adriano whispers to me.

'Just a minor inconvenience with Jake the bodyguard over there,' I say signalling to the door.

'Do I need to get rid of it?' He asks.

'No, I handled it pretty well,' I reply smugly.

'We warned him about the consequences of betraying us,' Terzo says, snapping us out of our own conversation.

'Death.' Alora snarls.

She pushes herself off the wall and grabs a gun from the table. She walks over to Xuan and cocks it threateningly.

'Yes kill him, he's a disgrace to The Ravens and a stupid excuse for a mafia man!' Blondie screams.

The two other men stay silent, heads bent.

I look at Xuan and can see the genuine fear in his eyes. It almost makes me feel sorry for him.

He has nothing to back himself up with, all the evidence is piled up against him. He left his own mafia for Adriano's and then suddenly they get attacked by people who know him.

Alora places the gun to Xuan's head and Looks at Vittoria waiting for her orders to shoot.

'I don't feel like this is right,' I whisper.

'He's a traitor to both us and The Ravens.' Adriano replies.

'We haven't heard his argument, they could be lying for all we know,' I explain.

'It's not our place to question Vittoria,' he says.

'It's not my place to question her, but you're the heir.' I say.

Adriano sighs and looks down.

'Adriano you should know me by now, I don't like hurting innocent people or seeing him get hurt.' I add.

'He tried to kill me once.' Adriano snarls.

'But he didn't, just put that aside for one second we're talking about a man's life here.' I say.

Adriano sighs and looks down at the ground.

I scoff and walk away, towards Alora.

'Dilara don't,' His hand goes to grab my arm but misses as I walk away.

Alora slowly cocks the gun and I walk towards her.
She looks over to Vittoria, who nods her head.

Alora pulls the trigger as I step in front of her, and a gunshot echoes throughout the room.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, do you think we should give Xuan a chance to explain himself or is he a traitor?
Have a nice day!

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