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Chapter Seven

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Tanner and I are seated on a loveseat near the center of the set so close that our knees are touching

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Tanner and I are seated on a loveseat near the center of the set so close that our knees are touching. Could they have possibly given us a smaller couch? It's like the entire universe is working against me today, determined to throw me and Tanner together in the most unavoidable and fated ways. Maureen is talking, but I'm too distracted to listen, still reeling from what happened in the dressing room.

Between the images of Tanner's washboard abs and the feel of his touch still fresh on my skin, it takes all my strength to keep my composure. Tanner couldn't be more at ease, lounging on the loveseat as if he's in his living room watching a football game. He smiles at Maureen, basking in all the attention and clearly in his element. For a man who claims to be annoyed to be here, he sure plays the part well.

But maybe that's because he's had practice. Maureen and Tanner have met before and he's been on her show a few times. Come to find out, Tanner is somewhat of a hometown hero in San Diego, and not in the traditional all-firefighters-are-heros type of way.

In the saved-a-toddler-from-drowning-after-a-car-plunged-into-the-bay type of way.

I have to pick my jaw up off the ground as Tanner recalls the story, and about a dozen others where he risked his life to save someone else. Apparently, our experience wasn't a one off, and climbing into Miko's den to talk to me was one of the tamer things he's done. Scaling buildings, disabling bombs, battling wildfires--he's experienced so much that it seems like it would be easier to name the things Tanner hasn't come across in his time with the SDFD.

For someone who carries himself with such confidence and swagger, his humility is unexpected. The only time he seems uncomfortable is when Maureen calls him a superhero-- although the title seems to fit. The way he brushes off the notoriety has me question my originally assessment of him--maybe he's not as wrapped up in himself as I thought.

Tanner laughs nervously, shifting his weight as he fidgets and tries to spin the attention in another direction.

"I've just been in the right place at the right time." His flushed cheeks turn up in a smile. "Just like the other day. Zoe is the one who came up with the brilliant plan to distract Miko, and without her expertise, we would have been completely screwed."

He's just as smooth as he is gorgeous, because Maureen drops the superhero talk and turns her attention and intense questioning toward me. Miraculously, I manage to answer all of her questions about the program and what comes next for Miko, and our time dwindles down. The crew is breaking down the set to get ready for the next segment and Tanner and I are ushered back to the greenroom. Everything happens quickly, and soon, we're walking out to the parking lot.

"See? I told you it wouldn't be all that bad." Tanner gloats as he walks a half step in front of me, duffle bag slung over his shoulder and his hands shoved in his pockets. He's relaxed again, and any bit of unease he felt before is gone.

Me, on the other hand, I'm a ball of nerves. The interview might be over, but I'm quickly realizing that being in Tanner's company and trying to resist him is what I really should have been worried about. My head and heart are in a vicious tug-of-war battle right now, and I'm one of those irresistible smiles away from giving in.

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