chapter four (status fixing)

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Top - hill secondary school took a new turn as chukwuma was now in charge. Chukwuma made sure pride was far away from him, to accomplish that; he went as far as making new friends from junior secondary one (jss1)1st grade.
He wouldn't want anyone frowning, making faces or doing things, sluggishly and reluctantly whenever he dished out orders.

Barrister Harrison indirectly, gave him equal rights with the teachers and chukwuma intentionally threw it away because of his mother's advice that occasionally sang in his ears.
"An okra plant can't grow taller than his master," his mother's voice always sounded like that of God's angels - if he had ever heard one before, but he read stories that concurred.

He was very careful around Mr Nelson, the physics teacher, who had never for once smiled to anything or anyone. How he managed to pass his physics exams still remain a mystery.
But this day, to chukwuma's greatest surprise, after the assembly was over, Mr Nelson was the first teacher to say hello to him, not just with a hand shake - but an overwhelming smile.

"Congratulations, chuks", said Mr Nelson, smiling, showing off his white teeth together with his perfect dentition, finally chukwuma got the reason why Stella always said something was special about him, but what made her think, he wondered. Maybe there was a secret affair.

"Thank you, sir" chukwuma appreciated returning the smile.
Mr Nelson crossed his arms into chukwuma's shoulder, they were almost the same height but chukwuma was fleshy, Mr Nelson was verily on the slim side. They walked together to nowhere in particular till their shadows were completely out of sight.

Most teachers and students had the intuition that chukwuma would begin to skip classes and probably become politely disrespectful. Some of them thought he wouldn't resume, but barrister already aborted that part of chukwuma's parents plan, he had his own plans to carry out and chukwuma was the essential tool, and off course the big tech company had bigger plans that the barrister wasn't smart enough to notice.

To the surprise of The teachers, chukwuma sat at the front row, during all classes. He was still the one asking and answering questions, also, he helped teachers with their belongings while they returned to the staff room.

Chukwuma was calm like a dove and as wise as a serpent.
He was still the same chukwuma he was before he attained his tittle as a "FUTURE SCIENTIST". He knew that people would begin to shower him with love upon love, a lot will give attention to him because he had achieved a thing of relevance, Indeed.
He made sure to have his back eyes opened, because he was very sure that all are likely to be beneficial, especially the care from jagaban.
He happened to outshine jagaban after breaking the record.

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