chapter three (the new session)

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Another school session began, the first time precisely. Students returned gradually, as most of them wouldn't want to be part of the cleaning and in other helping areas.

Chukwuma was the first to return.
As a matter of fact, he was the first  student to resume, probably because of his new position, he didn't want to let the headmaster down - most especially the barrister. As it was, he felt like a second in command. Immediately after he arrived at the school, the next person that came in was Amarachi, the most beautiful girl in the whole school, as  heard from his friends.

He had always been aware about her and her exceptional beauty, but he decided to put that aside, as she might be a distraction to him or she could have made him do stupid things.
Now, he had achieved what he had always wanted from the school; smartness, intelligence, recognition, seniority and respect!

He was now being called, "THE FUTURE SCIENTIST".

So this was the perfect time to make his advances known.

Amarachi, who just got into senior secondary two (ss2)the 11th grade, a well-trained and an only child, her reserved nature was her main attraction.

Eze, chukwuma's closest friend started the trend, "girls who keep to themselves are smart ,wise, beautiful, intelligent and will make a perfect wife material".
Chukwuma would always listen carefully, whenever Eze quoted, but pretended like it was none of his business.

The school was still quite empty, so the reserved Amarachi decided to take a thorough stroll around the school premises, chukwuma just decided to walk around, he was in charge.

While going their various ways, they collided. Amarachi slipped and was about to fall but chukwuma immediately caught her, like in the movies - he stared at her for a very long time, he had never beheld such beauty.

"Thank you", her vanilla cotted voice broke the silence. He only stood still and kept staring, "my name is Amarachi Cosmos", she introduced bringing out her hands for a handshake, this time , chukwuma grabbed her hands but didn't shake her, he caressed her fingers, she noticed and slipped off her hands.

"I'm so sorry," he apologized maintaining his balance, she nodded in agreement,
"By the way, my name is...

" CHUKWUMA DlCKSON", she blurted out, without even letting him finish.

"Wow!" He exclaimed.

"Everybody knows the, FUTURE SCIENTIST," she Expressed with her fingers.

" So... Hmm, " he took a deep breath and about to start a conversation, just then, students began trooping in, there was loud chattering and cheering, he was the centre of attraction to the students, as they rushed towards him, he tried to avoid them to continue with Amarachi, but she had disappeared into thin air. His mood changed.

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