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Chapter 28

Mo Di was no longer in the mood for a big meal. He looked to Mu Tian Heng and said: “Brother, can we go home?”


Mu Tian Heng pressed down the surging sourness in his heart. He reached out and gently rubbed Mo Di’s hair: “Let’s go home for steak. Brother is quite a cook, did you know?”

“I didn’t know.” Mo Di shook his head. He let Mu Tian Heng hold his wrist, “but there’s no steak at home.”

“Let’s go to the supermarket to buy two pieces. Brother will show you his skill.” Mu Tian Heng took Mo Di’s hand and left at a moderate pace.

Gu Ran Ju stared at their backs, not knowing what to say. In the end, he gave the wall a hard kick, then crouched down in pain.

All he did was mention that minors could not take part, did he have to look so sad? That’s just…

He really doesn’t get this Mo Di!


Mu Tian Heng brought Mo Di to the supermarket to get the steaks and added a bottle of red wine to the cart. When Mo Di saw Mu Tian Heng put the red wine in, he felt a strong urge to remind him: “Brother, I don’t drink wine.”

“Drink a little, you’ll feel better.”

“No, I really can’t drink.” Mo Di shook his head resiliently, “I get drunk easily. I’ll be drunk after two sips.” 

“Then …we won’t drink today. I’ll buy it first, we’ll drink when you’re an adult.” Mu Tian Heng did not take out the wine bottle. He turned around to the long shelf of snacks and picked up a bag of sweets, then passed it to Mo Di.

“Have something sweet, it’ll improve your mood.”

Mo Di looked at the bag of gummy bear candies with drooping eyes, reached out to accept it.

When they returned, Mu Tian Heng told Mo Di to relax in the bath, this would help him ease up and be ready for dinner. He then took the steak to the kitchen.

Mo Di at the same time also wanted to be alone so he agreed and went back to his room. He went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Mu Tian Heng did not start cooking right away. He took out his phone, found several numbers that he rarely contacted before, and made the calls.

Mo Di soaked for thirty minutes in the tub.

Finally, when he felt some discomfort, he got up, wiped himself, and came out of the bathroom.

It’s ok, all this has not been decided yet.

He had never given up even with so many setbacks his last life. This minor problem, there was no way he would give up.

In the time that the rule had not been implemented and no official announcement had been made, there was still a lot that he could do. After all, this rule was unreasonable. Even if those old fussbudgets managed to suppress the others in the system, the general masses will not agree.

This was not only ridiculous but also discrimination against age.

No one can stipulate the age at which someone can start making games, just like no one can impose that men and women have to be married by the age of twenty or thirty or women must have children by the age of twenty-something. All these conservative ideas had long been refuted by the general public.

When Mo Di came out of his room, he saw Mu Tian Heng placing the steak on the dining table. Seeing Mo Di, he paused slightly, then smiled: “Just nice, I was about to go get you.”

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