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Chapter 25

There was an upsurge of internet discussion regarding the two contrasting news.

“Mo Di the first scholar,” “Mo Di 1st in the College Entrance Exam,” “Mo Shi Hong acquitted” etc, was quickly pushed to the front of the top hot searches and gained a string of lively responses.

“Wow, 729 points! Mo Di rocks!!!” 

“Hahaha! This is killing me! The father whose brain is weird and vicious wanted to break off with Little Mo and even posted the severance documents online. But ultimately when he made Little Mo sign off the severance agreement and about to let him be taken away by the police, he was arrested instead. Now Little Mo scored 729 and placed first in the exam while he is sentenced to jail! Ha Ha Ha Ha The heaven has eyes!”

“Say, the two news flashes on my phone at the same time. Having them side by side like this, do you understand how exciting this is?”

“I do! Because the same thing happened to me!”

“Plus 1!!!”

“Hey Hey Hey, the video from a few days back gave me heartache and anger. Now I feel great! Oh yeah!”

“My God. My Grandmother said that it’s fantastic that a good child was able to leave that sea of misery, she’s going to celebrate with some pig’s hoof stew. Grandma, I’m trying to lose weight!”


The Weibo hot search comments resembled a festival. Although there were still negative and crude comments, most of the netizens were in a congratulatory mood.

And news tweets do not discriminate, so Mo Yi Cheng, Mo Wu Hang and the others also received the stimulating pair of contrasting news. 

Mo Wu Hang with his broken nose was already having trouble with breathing. After seeing the news, his anger caused his breathlessness to worsen and his whole face turned red like a pig’s head. Don’t even talk about the modelling audition, even leaving the house would attract repulsive stares.

Enter Mo Liu Gui with her red eyes into the living room. Seeing Mo Wu Hang, she quickly went over and patted him on the back: “Fifth brother, what’s wrong with you? Are you ok?”

“Xiao Gui, you’re willing to talk to me?” Mo Wu Hang raised his head in surprise and looked at Mo Liu Gui.

Since ten days ago, Mo Liu Gui had refused to talk to him because he had deceived her and went along with his uncle, grandpa and the others to break off with Mo Di. The depression was killing him.

This matter was not solely his fault. His third uncle and grandpa were also involved. They knew that Xiao Gui, who was too kind and softhearted, might stop them at the last moment so they made such a decision.

“Well, who made you my fifth brother? Can’t I be worried about your health?” Mo Liu Gui turned away from him: “If you’re still so stubborn in the future, still hide things from me, then I’ll ignore you forever!”

“I absolutely won’t do it again. I know I’m wrong! Really, Xiao Gui, stop ignoring me. I will listen to you in the future and won’t make decisions behind your back anymore!” Mo Wu Hang put his hand up to swear, “I promise not to do such things again. Xiao Gui, please forgive me. Xiao Gui, you’re the best! Sister, you’re the best!”

Mo Liu Gui pursed her lips, then she turned around and said: “You’ve said it, fifth brother, now you have to listen to me.”

“Yes, absolutely!” 

“Then fifth brother, now you have to….Xiao Di scored 729?!” Mo Liu Gui saw the news on Mo Wu Hang’s phone and was shocked: “He’s the top scorer in the whole capital?!!”

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