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The twinkling of the stars seemed to almost be at a serine of silence, a perfect place to be engulfed in, to be drowned in the cold silence that the night sky was bestowing outwards to any observers that were in a trance within its prideful galaxy

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The twinkling of the stars seemed to almost be at a serine of silence, a perfect place to be engulfed in, to be drowned in the cold silence that the night sky was bestowing outwards to any observers that were in a trance within its prideful galaxy.

Even as the glossy-eyed on-looker gazed, his last moments felt to be in serine silence, even as his blood dripped down onto the mahogany wood floors of his extravagant estate.

She seemed to have given him a single last blessing as she was able to offer him to bleed out in front of the gracious stars as they would be his last bit of sight.

Although unintentional, it was bittersweet.

Chrollo had given her a solo mission as her first welcome back 'present'. It was an easy job, to say the least, all she had to do was recover a jeweled necklace that he had recently bought in an auction.

When Chrollo was describing to her what it looked like, all he said was that she would know which one it was when she laid her eye on it, nothing more, nothing less.

At first, this infuriated the girl, considering this particular person was known to collect rare and highly sought-after pieces of jewelry.

Yet when her (e/c) first set eyes on this miraculous piece on a mold of a black velvet neck, she knew this had to be it.

Almost as scarlet as the blood that was currently pooling around the victim, the necklace itself looked complex at first gaze, yet after another and much closer look, the necklace was in a choker fashion, as small brilliant styled cut diamonds laced themselves around the circumference of the neck display, seemed to be five rows thick of this uniform design.

As the girl stepped over the body to look closer, her eye widened as her gaze landed on the red gemstone that she knew that this specifically was referring to.

On the bottom row of the line of diamonds, the same brilliant stones dripped down in random lines which connected to other dripped lines of diamond in what seemed a bit sporadic. Yet, it wasn't until closer inspection did she see that these connected strips of diamond created a web-like design, almost as if a Black Widow crafted it herself.

Behind Those Scarlet Eyes (Kurapika x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now