Chapter 34

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I glared at Danny, my biological male sibling, who was standing in he middle of the room. He looked away and fidgeted under my pressuring glare as Zane walked passed him and came up to me. He gave me a kiss on my forehead, which helped soothe my anger, and picked me up from our seat. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder, all while staring daggers at Danny.  Zane began carrying me to the living room, Danny following, as he spoke quietly.

“He’ll run away if you just keep staring at him like that,” Zane said in my ear.

“I don’t care. I don’t trust him one bit. I just want to know why he’s here out of all the places in the world he could’ve gone,” I said, getting louder on the last part so Danny could hear me clearly.

“I understand, love,” he smiled. “It’s cute when you make that face, I never expected to see that kind of expression on your face. I wonder where you got such a glare from.”

I turned my head so I was looking him directly in the eye as I tightened my hold around him. “Of course, I got it from you. You make a lot of faces, but there’s one that might be my favorite,” I whispered in his ear. “It’s when you have that oh so dominating gleam with a slight smirk and a powerful aura that just makes me fall on my knees immediately.”

He stopped walking when we were at the couch and held me still as he looked in my eyes. “You seem pretty fit for someone who’s just had an accident last night. are you really tryna seduce me right now?? I wonder what’s gotten into you-“

I muffled his speech by kissing his lips. I wasn’t sure what had gotten into myself either. I just wanted to, I guess. All of Zane belonged to me, as did I. He was my dom. My boyfriend. My lover.

“Ahem.” I opened an eye and looked behind Zane. Danny was sitting in the chair across from us, averting his eyes from the scene. Is that all he had to say about our little pda? When we were younger he had a mouth, so I’m surprised he didn’t have any smart remarks.

Our eyes met and I gave an evil glare that obviously meant Zane was all mine. He would not get even the slightest chance to steal him away, even though I surely knew that Zane would be with me and only me for the rest of our days.

I kissed Zane a little harder before he pulled away, all while side-eyeing Danny. “Ok, that’s enough. We have company, so stop that for now. I love your — though, so keep it for later,” Zane said, unwrapping my glued body from him.

He sat me down on the couch across Danny and walked into the kitchen. Danny and I stared at each other in silence. He looked genuinely nervous, like he was scared what the outcome would be. What my reaction would be. I also noticed how skinny he was, like he didn’t get much to eat often. There were dark circles under his eyes like he never got sleep at night. Why? He should’ve been having the time of his life after we got kicked out of the house and he went on with my ex. So why did his body look so… miserable?

This is so frustrating. Why was I getting worried about him all of a sudden? Why was I slowly becoming scared of knowing the truth?

Danny was about to open his mouth and say something, but Zane walked in at that very moment and he broke our eye connection.

I looked up at Zane and saw that he had prepared drinks and snacks. He laid them out on the table and sat down beside me. Of course he would set things up like a business meeting, he was a ceo after all. Yes, a business meeting. Should I think of this as that?

Zane looked at me with a reassuring and meaningful glance before turning to Danny. “You have the spotlight. Time to explain.”

“Right…,”he blew out a breath and closed his eyes in concentration, probably thinking of some lame, fake ass excuse. Although, his face did look serious. He opened his eyes and stared directly at me. His genuine and sincere eyes took me back a bit, but I returned them with an unwavering stare.

“So, the reason I’m here, in this city, is because I was looking for you. I had something to tell you, originally. Back then, in the family house-,” HA! Exactly what family was he speaking of? I wasn’t family to them after they learned my sexuality. “-I was only trying to help you, I promise. That man… he wasn’t a good person. I had to protect you.” Protect me?

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