Chapter 13

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Zane POV

"And where would that be?" I questioned while pulling him closer. He was so cute sitting here in my lap looking all excited.

"My place. I need clothes to wear on our date!" He said excitedly but realized what he said and covered his mouth, blushing. Oh my good god he was so adorable. I flipped him so he was straddling me and pulled him even closer.

"This is practically a date. And we're going to be doing couple stuff anyway, Love," I said resting my head in the crook of his beautiful neck. I took a breath of his delicious scent and he quivered.

"And since we'll be doing those things, would you be my boyfriend?" I asked as I felt his face and neck heat up. I looked up to see the most gorgeous flush on his beautiful face.

Hmm. He would look so pretty if he was flushed from something else. I could feel myself starting to get hard. I wanted to dominate him so much, he was too attractive not to. And he was very sensitive at that. I would have to talk to him soon about it. Maybe later on tonight.

"U-ummm. We'll see. I guess," he said quietly. "Well do you think you like me?" I asked. He started squirming in my lap, which was not helping. I grabbed his hips to stop him from moving and looked at him expectantly.

"Um. I, I don't know," he said looking away again. I put my fingers on his chin and slowly moved his head to face me. "Ok, that's fine," I said looking at him reassuringly. He didn't have to give me an answer right now, I would wait. I could wait forever for him, and only him.

He nodded and buried his head into my chest. His size fit perfect against mine. He was so adorable and cute that it made my sick hard and my heart flutter. I was so close to taking him right then and there. I don't see how anyone could resist him.

"We should get going now if we want to have time to do fun stuff today," he mumbled still relaxed in my lap.

He was right, if we stayed here longer I didn't know if I could control my urges. "Then let's get going. I'm gonna use the bathroom first, so wait for me," I said with a smile as I picked him off my lap and sat him in the spot I was in. I went to the bathroom to take care of the problem that was growing by the second as thoughts of my abordable, sexy, and cute Kade kneeling down. Looking up at me with his sparkling brown eyes. Damn, I needed him to be mine in more ways than one.

I hurried and finished and walked out to see Kade blushing while talking on the phone. Hmm? Who could make him blush, aside from me? "Ok, bye. See you in a little," he said as he hung up the phone and turned his head slightly to see me walking over to him.

"That was Kora. I told her we were coming, so she's waiting for us." 'Oh,' I thought. I wrapped an arm around his waist and led him to the door. "Then let's go since we're expected," I replied. "You ready?" I asked and he nodded.

I opened the door, letting him go first. I locked the door and we headed to the car. He stopped for a bit and looked around. I did too, to see what was wrong, but I could find nothing of interest. "Are you ok?" I asked worriedly. He nodded and continued walking. "Yea, I just thought someone was looking at me." 'It was most likely me,' I thought.

He was about to open the door, but I opened it for him before he could. He looked at me with a funny smile on his face before slightly laughing. "Thanks," he said as he climbed in. "Welcome, Love," I said as I closed his door and walked over to mine. I slid in and started the car.

He gave me directions to his home and the ride went smoothly. We chatted about something and nothing, but it was very worthwhile to have him with me anyway.

"Turn left and park on the right side of the building." He said as I pulled up to a large condo complex. It was quieter than most and it had a friendly environment, I even saw a couple kids playing soccer.

After I parked, I got out of the car and went around to help Kade out of the car. "You don't have to do that every time, you know. I can open the door myself," he said nervously.

"I know, but I want to. I want to take care of you, Love," I said reassuring him that I cared about him.

"Ok," he said, standing nervously. I chuckled at his cuteness and wrapped my arm around his waist. He squirmed a bit before getting comfortable in my side. We walked into the complex and Kade pushed the button on the elevator to go to the 6th floor.

Another person rushed to get in with us before the door closed. She looked at us with utter disgust and began to open her mouth when I gave her the most menacing glare I could muster. I stared dagger at her and she looked away, startled with shock and surprise. Good. No one looks at my Love like that and thinks they can get away with it all willy-nilly. I should've slapped the bitch in her face for just looking at him, but I had home training so I knew better than that.

I looked down at Kade and saw he was looking at the women as well. But he had a sad and pitying look in his eyes. He looked up and was surprised to see my loving gaze on him. I pulled him closer to me as I leaned down and kissed him very passionately. I bit his bottom lip, earning a low moan as I slid my tongue and immediately claimed dominance. He pushed against my chest and I reluctantly pulled away to let him breath. I could obviously tell she was annoyed and bothered by our PDA, but I didn't give a shit.

The elevator stopped at the 5th floor and she hurried out. I heard Kade start giggling charmingly and I just couldn't help myself as I laughed as well.

We can to our stop on the 6th floor and he led me down the hallway to the last room. He pulled out his small set of keys and unlocked the door to see a girl with sea-green hair, blocking the entrance inside.

"Kadey!" She said tossing her arms around Kade's neck. "You should've came home last night! I wasn't that upset," she turned around to me and made an extremely shocked face. "This is who I think it is right? Kade, mind introducing us?" She said gasping a little.

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