Chapter 18

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I couldn't help myself. I felt our bond getting stronger when we stood there holding each other. I know that she felt it too. Then, she felt sad, like she was going to be abandoned. I know that this is new for her and that she's afraid that it's not going to last. I had to kiss her to make her feel our bond even stronger so she believed me when I said that I'm never going to leave her. It was a calm, passionate moment, not heated that made my wolf appear. I lost myself in her and felt happier than I've ever felt.

"I would rather stay here, holding you all day, but we need to go to the next class," I say, sighing.

"Okay," she says, blushing a little.

I smile at her and take her hand. We go to my locker to pick up my books, then head to math class.

At lunchbreak, we meet the others and head to the dining hall. People seem so remember what happened this morning, because they move away a bit when we sit down at our table.

Good. Keep your fucking distance.

"You did something," Evelyn blurts out, pointing at us with a mischievous smile.

God, nothing goes by her.

"And why do you think that?" I ask her, trying to look serious.

"Because you have this aura around you...and the fact that you have a goofy grin on your face and Hope is blushing."

I look at Hope and she looks like she wants to sink through the floor again.

"Could you just mind your own business for once?"

"I could, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? And besides, Hope is going to tell me as soon as we are alone anyway. Isn't that right, girlfriend?" she says, winking at Hope, who seems to be smiling.

I chuckle and shake my head, then look at Chris.

He puts his hands up in the air. "Don't look at me, man. I have no power over girls gossiping. It's in their nature."

We all chuckle.

"Oh, come on!" Evelyn says. "You gossip just as much as we do. Do you expect us to believe that you just work out all those hours in the gym without any gossip what so ever? No, I don't think so."

Evelyn keeps rambling on like she always does. I could use my Alpha command to shut her up, but that would be abusing power, and Hope seems to think that she's funny, because she giggles at her, so I let her go on. Her giggling and laughing is the best sound in the world, and it makes me happy.

When we get home, Evelyn grabs Hope's arm and drags her into Chris's and her room and closes the door. Chris and I shake our heads and walk into the living room where mom and dad are sitting.

"What are they up to?" dad asks.

"Gossiping," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh," he says chuckling.

"How did today go?" mom asks.

"Good, except that Zeke scared the crap out of some guy who insulted Hope," Chris says, smirking. "The whole school is afraid of him now."

"Good." dad says with a proud smile.

"Your bond is stronger," mom says. She has always had a feeling for these things, as well as Evelyn. I don't know if it's a female thing.

I scratch the back of my neck. "Yeah, I kind of kissed her."

Mom smiles. "Oh, that's what they're gossiping about," she says excitedly. "Tell me."

Don't lose HOPE  [COMPLETED]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora