Chapter 3

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He stopped me. Why did he stop me and where did he come from? Did he follow me?

I've seen the new guys at school for the past two weeks. They look more like men from a fitness magazine than 18-year-old boys. They're all tall, have tattoos and are really muscular. Especially this one. He's the biggest one of them. On one arm, he has tattoos from his hand up to his neck. The other arm is only tattooed on the forearm. His hair is black as the darkest onyx, and his eyes are almost golden. All the girls in school swoon over them and act like they're about to faint when they see them. I don't care. Why would I when they would never notice me. No one ever does.

When he grabbed my arm, I felt this warm tingle spread through it, but I was so set on jumping that I didn't care. Standing here in his arms, the feeling I felt in my arm is now spreading through my whole body. I'm feeling safe and cared for.

Why would he care about me? I'm no one. Nothing.

I'm so exhausted and I don't know how to handle this feeling in my body, whatever it is. I'm beginning to feel weak, and then everything goes black.



It feels so fucking good to finally have her in my arms. I'm starting to feel her relax, but then, her limbs go weak and she faints. I hold her up and lift her up in my arms.

"Is she ok?" Chris asks worriedly.

"Yeah, she just fainted. Her pulse is strong, I can feel it."

"Maybe it's for the best before she saw us all naked," Ryan says with a small chuckle.

"Now what?" Ben asks.

"I'm taking her home to the packhouse."

"Is that such a good idea?" Chris asks. "I thought that we were going to ease her into this."

"We have to change that plan. I can't take her to her home or leave her alone anywhere. What if she tries to commit suicide again?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," he says, sighing.

"I have to tell her and hopefully that will change everything. She has to know how important she is to me," I say, looking down at her in my arms with so much admiration. "She has to know how many there are that care about her."

They nod and we put our shorts on before going back to the school parking lot. There are still classes going on, so luckily, no one sees us. I put her in the front bench seat of my pickup truck and go around and jump in. I let her rest her head on my lap while I drive. The others go with Chris in his car.

She's still passed out when we arrive at the packhouse, so I carefully carry her inside toward my room.

Passing the kitchen, my mom sees her in my arms and stares at me with big eyes. "What is she doing here now?" she whisper-screams.

"Shhh! Chris, fill her and dad in." I say and walk up to my bedroom and gently place her on my bed. I put the cover on her, then sit down and stroke her cheek lightly. She's so beautiful. I'm going take care of her, feed her so she gets healthy again, and make her happy. Nothing else matters.

I hear commotion in the hallway and dad talking loudly. I don't want them to wake her up yet or scare her, so I go out and close the door behind me. My dad comes walking with big strides, looking angry, with mom and Chris behind him.

"Can you keep it down, she's not awake yet," I say quietly.

"This was not the plan," my dad says sternly. "You can't just kidnap the poor girl and bring her here before she knows about us."

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