Remember that night

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..what..?" Miss Andiron let out breathlessly. " well, like falling in love with you, you know- i just meant like your personality and i totally didn't mean it in any way to make you uncomfortable-" Eden rambled on and on trying to cover her tracks about what he has just said. Miss Andiron was holding back a smile and laughter letting her carry on. Eden took a deep breath from rambling, trying to catch her breath. Miss Andiron started to giggled a bit and then into laughter. Eden stood there confused and unsure of what to say or do. " Oh Eden dear, now while i did enjoy you rambling on and trying to cover your tracks, I feel the quit same feeling." She smiled. "Wait you do..?" Eden said with excitement in her voice. "Well considering we've already had sex i thought i made it pretty clear." She smirked as she lifted Eden's head by her chin. Eden face went red, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out only sounds of struggling to speak. Miss Andiron chuckled, "oh come on now sweetie, you were all bold in class. Where's it gone now..?" She cocked an eyebrow at Eden still holding up her chin to meet her gaze. Eden drew a quick breath of confidence "I didn't expect you to say that..,and for your information my boldness hasn't gone anywhere. You just seem to lack the knowledge of that." Eden smirked, with a tone of sarcasm in her words. "Watch your tone." Eden stepped away with confidence and carelessness, "Yeah i would but currently we aren't in school nor are you the boss of me at the moment." she giggled to herself and rolling her eyes. "I see Eden." Miss andiron replied calmly and collected. She had come up with something planned for Eden when they headed back. Eden who was slightly nervous now because she expected her teacher to respond but she didn't.

Once again I was driving home with Zelda. I acted upset that I couldn't be with my parents, and I was, they were never home, but I was also excited to be with her for the first time in awhile it felt great knowing someone cared.
"What's for dinner?" I asked, wanting to break the awkward silence we were sitting in. "We'll have pasta, if that's good with you.. dear."
I blushed a bit at what she called me. "Yeah.... that sounds grea-" I was interrupted by the car jolting to a stop. A car had unexpectedly pulled out of its driveway in front of us. I screamed, shocked. Ms. Andiron grabbed my inner thigh to keep me from crashing into the dashboard. The car drove away, leaving us there speechless. "Are you okay, Eden?" She said, slowly removing her hand from me. "Yeah." I said, my voice shaking.

Miss Andiron pulled into her drive way,and both girls got out and headed inside. As Eden shut the door behind her Miss Andiron pinned her against the door, Eden's breath hitched. "You know I didn't like the tone that you used with me today..,just because we are out of school doesn't mean i'm not your teacher, i still am, you should really respect me and know the consequences by now." She whispered into Eden's ear with a seductive tone in her voice. Eden let out a little whimper, wanting to feel her touch. Zelda let go of her, leaving Eden hot and bothered.

Eden was sat at the counter with her head resting on her hands propping her head up. While Zelda was cooking for them. "Are you alright dear? You still seem so quiet or shaken up from the car" She turned around to ask Eden, taking a moment to look away from what she was doing. "Um uh yeah im alright, just a little shaken up i guess." Eden basically lied right through her, all she could really think about was her. The way she touched her in the car and the way she did when both girls got inside.

As both girls were talking  and eating dinner Eden abruptly started, "What exactly are we..? I mean what is this that we have? I know we have some sort of connection you can't tell me that you don't feel it, I feel like we have been avoiding this topic of awhile now.., i guess i just want to know where we are and where we stand." Zelda took a deep breath, "You're  right i can't tell you that i don't feel something for you, because i really do. I've honestly been wanting to ask you something for awhile, i want you to be my girlfriend Eden, if that's okay with you." She softly smiled at the girl. "Yeah i would love that." a smile spread across Eden face with a light shade of pink to it.

I had some help w this chapter go check her out! Her content is amazing. I'm currently addicted to one of her books "Desperate for you." Im sure if you like this one you will most definitely love hers!

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