
29 4 3

Words →_→ 379 words


March 15 2023

Tia sat behind the wheel of the Camaro, drumming impatiently on the steering as she waited for the traffic to clear. The man on the radio was going on about a solar eclipse that was said to happen that very afternoon. Not that she cared really. All she cared about was getting to the grocery store and heading back home to cook supper for the adorable toddler in her backseat.

The said toddler sat in the backseat playing with his Lego set. Looking at him, Tia couldn't stop thinking about her cousin. It was close to four weeks now. Four long weeks of silence.

It wasn't like Emilia. Tia knew her cousin loved her son Jesse more than anything in the world. And yet she had dropped off the face of the planet.

The sky darkened as the eclipse arrived. The site was a little short of divine but she couldn't help the chill that ran down her spine as she watched the sun's light disappear. She couldn't shake that nagging feeling that there was something ominous in the air.

She shook these thoughts from her head as she moved a few feet forward before the car in front of her stopped abruptly, causing her to hit the brakes fast.

She cursed out loud in annoyance whilst honking the car horn. It was annoying how the traffic had stopped all over again. It took her a few seconds to realize that the traffic had stopped because a group of people had walked into the middle of the road.

What a bunch of morons. And it was just her luck that there was only just that one car in front of her.

She peeped her head through the window to bitch at the pedestrians when something weird happened. She watched two of them approach the car in front of her and open the doors and she saw them attack the couple in the car.

She remained frozen as she saw what was happening. She watched as the pair were ripped apart and there was blood all over their windows.

In her shock, she failed to notice a third person approach her car until she heard the shattering of her car windows and felt a pair of hands grab at her...

The end

Total word count = 35 721 words

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