Day Five : Part Two

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Word count →_→ 1056 words


Emilia sat by the cafeteria having her supper when she saw Misty walk up to her. The woman had a grim expression as she sat next to her.

"Misty." She said in greeting.

"There's something I'd like you to see." Misty said as she placed her tablet in front of her.

There was a YouTube video playing. As Emilia watched it, she immediately deduced that it was a news report. She paid special attention to the whole broadcast until it was finished.

"That rehabilitation home is home to our previous test subject, Bucky. He's an ape and I refuse to believe that the whole place got a rabies outbreak in the short time we were in contact with them." Misty went on to say.

"You think that this is all somewhat related?" Emilia asked.

"Well, we can't be entirely certain until we get confirmation from the center's management team. Unfortunately the only people who have communication with them are doctors Rudolph and Bossing." Misty replied with an annoyed expression.

"Yeah, doesn't help that we can't just ask them." Emilia said sadly.

"Then we just continue with our original approach." Misty said, looking around discreetly to ensure no one was listening. "I got your equipment. I'll bring it to your room in thirty minutes."

"Already? Okay, let me hurry up and head over to my room." Emilia replied.

With that note, Misty turned and left the blond all on her own to finish her supper. Meanwhile, Emilia sat thinking about all they had talked about from the plan to carry more extensive tests to the weird news broadcast.

She didn't know how everything would turn out. Maybe she was overthinking it, maybe there was nothing at all to worry about. One thing was certain though, she wouldn't get any clarity sitting by a table in the cafeteria.

Standing up, she walked towards the counter where she dumped her food tray. With that out of the way, she proceeded to her room.

The walk to her quarters was always quiet and peaceful but tonight for some reason, there were people scurrying about. Emilia found this quite curious but decided to not humor her curiosity. She already had too much on her plate for one night. This was not the time to get distracted.

She did however cross paths with a rather intense looking figure. The man bore a strange resemblance to Doctor Rudolph although he was the brooding type. She figured they were probably siblings. He simply acknowledged her with her nod as he continued on his merry way.

It was only when she got to her door that she suddenly remembered something.

"Omigosh, Barnes." She exclaimed with a giggle, slapping her hand to her forehead after suddenly remembering that first conversation she had had with Alex.

Her smile turned sad as she swiped her key card to open her door.

"Looks like I finally met the winter soldier." She said to herself.

She placed a small leather mat in between the door and the frame to keep the door from locking. This way, Misty would easily have access to her room. She proceeded towards her small but ample working space.

Her sample was kept secure in the small refrigerator she kept in her room that allowed her to protect her samples from contamination. She turned her attention to her computer. She was still to send her daily report. She quickly typed in her observations for the day.

Emilia had, however, decided to leave out her strange observation until she had more data. With Misty's equipment, she would be able to give a more detailed report on the matter. Until then, she decided it would be wise to keep a lid on the issue.

Hearing footsteps behind her, she turned in time to see Misty push in a trailer full of equipment and test tubes.

"Whoa, no one asked what you were doing with all that?" She asked curiously.

"As far as security is concerned, all procedures are being carried out under strict supervision and have been authorized." Misty replied with a naughty smile as she began to unload the trailer. "Besides, we have plenty of these, no one will notice it's missing."

When she was done unloading, she took out a test tube that she handed over to Emilia.

"This wasn't part of our original plan but I'm going to ask you to have a look at this sample as well. See if there are any similarities. This is the blood sample we took from our previous test subject. The ape." Misty explained.

"You think there may be similarities between what's happening over there with the animals to what's happening with Alex?" Emilia asked as she studied the small vial.

"I don't know. I sure hope not." Misty said with an exhausted sigh.

"Okay. Why don't you take a look at the sample I have, take note of the anomaly whilst I have a look at your sample." Emilia suggested as she set up her sample under one of the microscopes.

Nodding in agreement, Misty handed over her sample to the blond woman. Both women proceeded to look at their samples over a pair of slides. Anyone walking in on them would be convinced they were busy with work - which they were. No one would tell that they were doing something out of the ordinary.

As Misty looked into her slides, it didn't take long for her to spot the anomaly.

"What the heck? Are those viral cells? A bacteria even?" She questioned, her eyes widening at the spectacle.

"I would say the cells are more of a fungi. The cells are strangely reminiscent of cancerous cells that has disguised itself as some sort of fungi. Maybe an enzyme in the medicine is mutating into some sort of fungi and is attaching itself to the red blood cells." Emilia explained.

"Hm, that would make sense. Naturally a catalytic drug would be a part of the chemicals used to create the medicine to allow the primary drug to break down and dissolve into the bloodstream. If the catalyst was contaminated, I suppose the contamination would spread and have a whole cascade of effects." Misty replied thoughtfully. "Now let's take a look at the other blood sample."

With a nod, Emilia turned to her slides. She frowned as she observed her sample.

"Misty, this is supposed to be a blood sample, right?" She asked, raised her head to face her.

"Yes that's right. Why?" Misty asked, feeling a little uneasy.

"There's no red blood cells in the sample." Emilia replied.

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