Chapter 41

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Hello, everyone! I hope you all are having a great day. It's a short chapter, but the next one will be very interesting. Feel free to send me any thoughts, and look after yourselves.

Leah POV

The past few what I hope were days were antagonising, but I was able to put my plan into action. It wasn't like I had to avoid prying eyes, because it was easy when nobody would give me the time of day. Except for Lucas, who couldn't seem to leave me alone.

He would always come into my 'cell', forcing himself on me. I've been lucky though, he always seemed to get interrupted before it got to...that.

The click sounded and soon after, a bowl and a glass of murky water were chucked in, and the door slammed closed just as quickly.

Waiting for the footsteps to fade, I grabbed the bowl and crouched beside the rickety bed. Spotting the rusting parts by the edges of the bed legs, I poured some of the thick soup on it, leaving some of it in the bowl.

With my luck, this will make it rust quicker. Otherwise, I'll have to find another plan.

I put the bowl aside and found my way back to my signature corner. During my time here, I've had a lot to think about, and I was running out of topics. There was one topic I've thought of, but never actually thought about, and I still wasn't sure if I wanted to.

It just felt too much like betrayal, like with Lucas. And I wasn't sure if it was as bad or worse.

On one hand, he didn't actually do anything to me and to Mary, that I know of. But on the other, he kept the fact that he tortured people, and who knows what else. And he could have easily hurt us.

He still could if I went back there. And I wasn't going to risk that happening. Not again.

I was going to get out of here, whether that meant I had to fight my way out or not.

* * * * * * * *

More time had passed, and my plan had been going well. At least, I think it was. The bed leg was rusting more and more, and with luck, I would be able to take it off soon.

That was if I was even right.

The door creaked open, and my head whipped up to find the one man I dreaded most.

Lucas smirked at me, shutting the door behind him. "Hello, amore. Have you been well?"

Obviously not, you psycho. "I was about three minutes ago."

He chuckled darkly. "You always had some sort of response. It was one of the things that drew me to you."

"How unlucky for me," I muttered, but Lucas heard me. He stepped closer and gripped my chin.

"Why must you always be so stubborn?" Lucas sneered through gritted teeth.

"As long as I'm here, I'll be stubborn." I spat out.

He considered me carefully for a moment with a glare. "How unfortunate for the both of us then."

"How long are you going to keep me in here?" I spoke, bravely or stupidly. I didn't know. I've asked him many times, always getting the same answer.

"I told you, Leah," he held my chin tightly, "until you learn to behave."

Placing a rough kiss on my lips, he released my chin roughly, standing up. "I'll see you later, amore, and I'll make sure we don't get interrupted then." He smiled sinisterly, and I shuddered.

The door shut behind him with its signature deafening click.

Looks like it'll happen sooner than planned.

* * * * * * * *

I fiddled with the bed, wrinkling my nose at the smell. I had to speed this up, before Lucas came back.

Finally after about thirty minutes, I pulled the metal bed leg off. The bed collapsed at the uneven balance, a few screws managing to break loose, and a rushing sense of relief flew through me.

The feeling was feeting though. The click sounded and I hid the bed leg behind my back just as Lucas came strolling in, his signature malicious smile on his face.

"It's lovely to see you again, amore mio," he said. "I hope you're prepared. Because no one will be interrupting us this time."

Perfect. I just pray to God that this works.

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