Chapter 22-5 Days Left

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Hello! Before this chapter starts, I just want to say thank you for 4k reads and 100 votes. It means a lot to me. Forewarning, there are some suicide mentions in the chapter, so if you have any triggers, please keep that in mind. And also keep in mind that if you ever feel like that yourself, find someone you trust enough to talk to and always remember that there's always somebody who cares about you. Have a nice day and enjoy your reading!

Mary POV

I rushed down the halls, my body reacting quickly to the twists and turns that arrived. Theo told me that Clarke was in her room packing for the trip to Vlados' parent's house later today, and I had to talk to her before she left.

"Clarke!" I called out once I reached her bedroom door, gently pushing it open. "Are you in here?" The wooden door cracked open slowly, revealing the room I had become familiar with over the time I've worked here. The cream walls and its dark brown wood floors came into view, as well as the dark red bed pushed against the wall in the middle of the room. The large window opposite the door allowed light to beam on the small suitcase on the bed filled with clothes.

"Oh, hey Mary!" Clarke's head popped into view as she walked away from her wardrobe to the suitcase on her bed. "What's up?"

"Nothing much. Listen, I need to talk to you." Her back was now facing me as I inched closer to her.

"Shoot," she said as folded her clothes small enough to fit into her suitcase.

"Why did you tell Theo about Leah?" She froze. I moved closer to her to see her face. She moved her suitcase across her bed and sat down. I sat next to her as she put her head in her hands, and the room was quiet for a few moments.

"I didn't want to, really. I tried not telling him, but we've just been through so much together, and we tell each other everything."

Not everything apparently, I thought. Leah had told me everything about what had happened with Theo and him finding out about Lucas...kind of. And he had kept his promise about keeping it a secret longer than Clarke did.

"But why did you tell him? You promised us-promised me that you wouldn't tell anyone." Clarke was silent again, but only for a split second, almost like she hesitated.

"Theo is the only family I have."

My mouth unconsciously dropped. "He's your brother?"

Clarke took her head out of her hands and looked straight ahead. "Yes. Well, no," she stood up suddenly. "Kind of?" She turned to me, and I must have looked confused because she continued.

"Theo and I were in the foster program together. We got adopted by this one couple, and..." She trailed off. Just as I was about to speak, she spoke again. "It didn't go well. They were mentally and verbally abusive, and Theo was in a really bad headspace at one point. He tried to kill himself, and that was when we decided to run away from that hell hole." 

She sat back down next to me, avoiding eye contact. "I consider him my brother because of all we went through, but we aren't blood-related." 

Clarke stared at the wall in front of her blankly, her hands resting on her legs. It was obvious she was waiting for me to say something, but what was I suppose to say? That it was surprising? I mean, sure, I knew they had a close relationship, but I didn't think it was because of that.

We were silent for a couple of minutes, just staring at the wall in front of us. 

"Did you ever feel that way?" I looked at her. She didn't respond, but her silence was answer enough. She looked down, and I could see her eyes glazing over. I gently grabbed her hand that was closest to me and turned it over. If you looked close enough, there were faint lines layered horizontally on her wrist. 

I couldn't stop the small gasp that escaped my throat. Clarke was such a confident person, so much so that nobody would have been able to tell that she ever felt that way.

"Clarke..." The tears were streaming down her face now, and she let out a choked sob that broke my heart. I had dealt with my fair share of tears, but hearing Clarke break down made me feel like I had taken a hammer to the chest.

I turned my body to face Clarke and gave her a much-needed hug. She hung onto me for dear life and sobbed onto my shoulder. I felt my shirt get wet, but I didn't care. It didn't matter.

Only Clarke did.

"I know apologising won't help, and I can't say that I know how you feel, but I am so sorry you had to go through that." I comforted her as I rubbed her back gently.

"I'm sorry I told Theo," Clarke sobbed.

"You have nothing to apologise for. I understand that you felt the need to tell Theo the truth. I feel the same way about Leah. We tell each other everything, and I think of her as a sister."

She lifted her head off my shoulder and sniffed as she looked at me. "If you ever need to talk to someone, or vent, or even just need a shoulder to cry on; I'm right here," I reassured as I held her hands. Clarke's black hair that I assumed began as a neat ponytail now had strands flying everywhere, and I fought the urge to take it out and braid it.

We just looked at each other for however long. Clarke's face was dry from her tears now, but her eyes still looked glazed. But not from sadness?

"What's wron-" She cut me off with her lips pressing against mine in a kiss. The shock stopped me from returning the intimate gesture, and before I knew it, Clarke had pulled away. The kiss was short, but I felt...empty when she pulled away.

Clarke, on the other hand, looked shocked. She brought her hands to her mouth with a gasp. "I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did that! I didn't mean-" This time, I cut her off. My lips pressed against hers in a gentle kiss. I was confident when I had cut her off, but I was starting to question myself. Just as I was about to pull away, a hand pressed against the back of my neck, deepening the kiss.

Her lips were smooth as they moved against mine, and I felt a thousand butterflies come to life in my stomach as her tongue slid against my mouth. My mouth immediately opened and it was like the thousand butterflies in my stomach turned into rhinos. Our mouths moved as one and I felt Clarke comb her fingers through my hair. I couldn't stop the quiet groan from escaping my throat, and I felt Clarke smirk into the kiss.

"Clarke! It's time to go!" Romero's voice echoed through the house, causing Clarke and me to pull apart. Our foreheads laid against one another as we caught our breath.

"I guess I better get going," Clarke panted, her breath fanning against my face. I couldn't help a smile creeping onto my face when we made eye contact.

"Let's get going then." Clarke smiled and we both moved off of her bed and straightened out our clothes as if they were crinkly. Clarke opened her door for me and we walked down the halls together, the rolling of her suitcase and our footsteps the only sounds. I couldn't help grinning again as our hands brushed against one another and intertwined as we walked down the halls.

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