Chapter 31

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WARMING: Blood/violence, and swear words

Leah POV

It was two hours before the party.

And I was nowhere near ready.

"Come on, Leah, we gotta get going soon," Mary groaned, hanging her head back. I turned away from the clothes hanging in my wardrobe to the two who sat on my bed, all dressed and ready to go.

"I know, but I don't know what I should choose to wear!" I reached for some dresses that hang from the rack. "Should I wear something simple or something fancy?"

Theo sighed disappointedly, covering his eyes with his hand. "Honey, honey, honey. I know that you are stressed out right now, but you need to calm down."

"You're being too loud..." I narrowed my eyes at Mary before paying my attention back to Theo.

"What you need..." He trailed off, looking at all of the options in the wardrobe. He pointed at the clothes, moving slowly to the right before he suddenly stopped and reached for a dress. "Is this."

Theo was right. The dress was gorgeous.

It was a silky dark green dress that wasn't short but wasn't long either. It would probably stop just above my knees. It had spaghetti straps and the top part of the dress wasn't skin tight, but the lower half was to accentuate the wearer's curves.

"Damn Theo, you have good taste!" Mary complimented. Theo blinked at her with a sarcastic look.

"Not just good taste, sweetie - great taste." He snapped his fingers at the last couple of words, earning an eye roll and a small laugh from both of us.

"Alright, you two get out so I can get ready." I ushered them out of my room quickly.

"Ok, but let us see so we can get your hair and make-up done in time!" Mary said quickly.

"Yeah, let us know so we can paint our nails and gossip! Oh my god, did you know that I saw this cute girl-" I slammed the door before Theo could finish, his girlish talking now muffled by the closed door. I rolled my eyes but couldn't take the smile off my face, and I quickly got ready.

* * * * * * * *

"Damn, Leah!" Mary grinned when I walked out of my room. I immediately smiled. "You look hot!" I did a small twirl, letting my hair cascade over my shoulders. I managed to keep my balance on the gold heels I had on, matching the same coloured jewellery I wore.

"Yeah, Leah! If I didn't have a date tonight, I would take you so the other guys didn't drool all over you," Theo commented. He wore a black jacket and pants with a white shirt underneath. He stood next to Mary, who wore a slightly similar dress to mine but in a nice, dark shade of red.

I tilted my head with a crooked smile. "You have a date?"

Theo scratched the back of his neck and looked off into the distance. "Yeah, I met a girl at the club a couple of nights ago, and we really hit it off, so I invited her to be my date. She surprisingly agreed, and...yeah. The end."

"Wow, what a lovely story," I said, slightly sarcastically, but it was an interesting way to meet someone.

"Yes, it is, isn't it?" He agreed. I mentally rolled my eyes, biting back the smile that fought to stretch across my face.

"Alright then. We better get going then," Mary said, stopping the conversation and bringing us back into focus.

"Right, forgot about that." I breathed out. "Well, let's go then."

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