16. Vedika

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Vedika had her hands full that day.

She scurried up and down the house searching for bangles and anklets, washing, drying and pressing her sisters' clothes, braiding Madhuri's hair into a dozen different styles until she finally agreed on one with which she would go the next day and getting amaranth flowers for Sonakshi who claimed she wouldn't leave the house without a bunch of those in her hair.

When she finally came back to her room however, Vedika was not disappointed. She was, in fact thrilled when she saw what Rumki had done.

The little girl had transformed her dress.

Rumki had not only sewed back the ripped garment together. She had stitched beautiful blue fabric flowers into the dress. Emarald pins now  glittered along the neckline, while shimmering pearls lined the hem of the dress. Golden borders ran through the edges of the blouse which cleverly accentuated the swell of the breast. Vedika couldn't comprehend how a eleven year old could have so much skill.

But that was not all. Rumki had also found a string of beads for the neck, small yet captivating diamond studs for the ears and a pair of dark blue sandals to match the peacock hue of the dress.

"This is perfect", Vedika said happily as she bent down and hugged Rumki.

"Bonding moment eh?"

The two girls broke their hug abruptly.

"Rumki, leave", Vedika whispered urgently as she shoved the dress into the trunk ignoring Daju Ma's cold stare.

"I was looking for you. Where is my evening tea?", Daju Ma snapped at her.

"I'll go get it now", Vedika said as Rumki led the way out. 

The way Daju Ma looked at Rumki leaving the room with the stitching needle in her hand, as though she would like nothing better than to grab the needle from the child's hand and pierce her eyeballs with it, sent a chill down Vedika's spine.


Vedika was woken up by the loud and desperate knocking on her door. It was well past midnight. Vedika wondered who it was. She tiptoed to the door and opened it.

To her shock, the butler Rudra stood there with Rumki lying unconscious over his shoulder.

"Oh my God! Uncle what happened?"

"Rumki collapsed after having dinner", Rudra said, sounding mortified.

"But how?"

"I don't know. She says it's a normal fever and children recover on their own...oh, the heartless bitch! I want to kill her with my bare hands.."

Though Rudra didn't say her name, Vedika knew exactly who he was talking about.

Rudra continued, "Ganga lost her son and now I will lose my Rumki too..how many more of us should watch our children die?!"

"Calm down uncle...", Vedika muttered but she didn't feel calm herself. Moreover nothing could calm an anxious parent. Vedika's mind raced. She thought about what could be done.

For all it's prosperity, Rewa had one drawback. It's medical facilities were quite poor. If they were to sit and wait for Daju Ma to call some expert physician from the next town, they would wait forever. There was only other thing that came to Vedika's mind.

She hurried to the corner of the room where she kept the remainder of her belongings in a cloth bag. She rummaged through the few torn saris and reached out her hand to the bottom where her hands fell on her savings box.

She pulled it out and chucked it down. The box split open and gold coins glittered in the ground. This was her dream of going to Kasi. But without second thoughts, Vedika bent down and picked up all the coins.

Rudra realised what was happening. He too knew about her dream of Kasi.

"Daughter, you can't do that. You have to go to Kasi and pay homage to Thakur sahib", he protested weakly.

"Kasi can wait uncle. Rumki's health can't. Father would've wanted me to do this", Vedika said firmly.

Tears were streaming down Rudra's face, "I can't take it. I know Daju Ma mistreats you. She will never give you any money. You need this money to survive if she suddenly decides to throw you out of the house".

"I will survive somehow. Don't worry about me. Please take this", Vedika persuaded.

With some reluctance, Rudra finally reached out and took the pouch from her hands.

"Take it and leave this house, the city too if possible", Vedika continued "And never come back here again uncle. My stepmother will not spare you".

"Beta we are poor people. Where will I take my Rumki ans go? We will have to stay here only".

Vedika thought fast, "Uncle, somehow take all your belongings, Rumki, and reach the market. There you will find Ganga's friend who does tailoring. Her husband has bullock carts. Use the money I gave you, to get a ride. Take Rumki to Dr Lakshman. He was father's friend there who is now in British camp. Tell him you are from Thakur sahib's house. He will surely help you".

Vedika couldn't believe she had come up with such an elaborate plan so quickly. But it seemed agreeable to Rudra who nodded frantically. He took the money and started walking out. He then turned back and looked at Vedika with gratifying eyes.

"I knew you would inherit all his wealth. But I could've never imagined you'd inherit his generosity too", he said in a choked voice.

"Take care of Rumki", Vedika said. For she knew it was impossible for a fully healthy child to fall sick so abruptly. Behind this too, there could've been only one person who had clearly wanted to make an example of what would happen to anyone who tried to help Vedika in any way.


"The worst is behind us Vedika..it only gets better from here", Ganga said as she chewed her betel leaves sitting outside the Durga temple.

Vedika did not care about Daju Ma's reaction or how she would be punished. She just couldn't go without seeing Ganga anymore. She didn't care either, that it was one in the morning. Immediately after Rudra had left, she had snuck out of the house and come to meet Ganga knowing that she would be awake. On seeing Ganga, she felt like a child who had finally met her mother.

"How can you talk like this Gangu? From where do you get so much strength?", Vedika murmured.

"Dear, I am Ganga. I am all encompassing. I keep flowing. Nothing can stop my journey", Ganga said benevolently.

To Vedika, for a moment, Ganga appeared like the Durga idol inside the temple come to life.

She bent down and touched her feet.

"Dear, dear touching your sister's feet! I'm not that old you know", Ganga laughed her indulgent laugh as she lifted Vedika up and pulled her to her copious bosom. Vedika who had long forgotten what that hug felt like, embraced her only sister tightly.

A/N : As promised, three chapters and all my love ❤️ Please let me know what you think! Also, the Diwali night chapter is coming in a couple of weeks. So stay tuned ❤️

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