Chapter 34

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Padgett Eve

The first thing I felt when I woke up was a killer headache and somebody's face in my neck. I was faced with the familiar black ceiling and the dark room. It took me no longer to acknowledge that I was back in the bedroom. A few more seconds and then I remembered it all. Sebestian shooting all those people, stabbing him in the neck, the man provoking Sebestian, reminding him about his mother, saying something about me meeting the same fate as her, and lastly me falling unconscious. I tried to wiggle out of his grip as soon as I remembered how he killed all of those people and enjoyed it. He played with their death, he liked holding their life in his hands.

Feeling me wiggle Sebestian just tightened his grip around my waist pulling me more close to him. I wonder how can he sleep so peacefully after killling them. I was still shocked from what happened and I had a lot of questions.

"You're up." He said in his raspy voice. Even after all the things I noticed him doing I couldn't control the way my body reacted to him. My heart still races whenever he is around me and my body still gets electrified on meeting his touch.

"You killed him." Was the first thing I said to him and I knew that he wasn't pleased by my words.

"How are you feeling?" He said as he sat up resting his back on the bed rest.

"Y-you sta-stabbed his n-neck and... and s-shot the rest of t-them." I said as I couldn't help but feel the familiar burning in my throat and feel tears on my cheeks on remembering how he killed them ruthlessly and coldly.

He sighed as he pulled me up and settled me down on his lap. His thumb gently wiped the tears and my hands were on his shoulder, fisting his shirt. Never can I understand how this man can make people beg him to take their life, kill them brutally and yet be so gentle with me. I wanted myself to back away from his touch, I wanted to wash my body wherever he touched me yet I couldn't do anything because his touch was one thing my body desired and I felt calm when he touched my body.

"If I hadn't done that, they would've killed you and I can't let anyone do that." He said softly as he caressed my face. My head was still pounding, as I tried to remember how I cane here. That's when I remembered him kissing me and the exact same time I felt a sharp thing pierce through my neck which made me lose consciousness.

"You drugged me!?" I asked as I was shocked, I didn't want to believe it that he could do something that bad to me. I wanted nothing more than him to deny that.

"You weren't calming down." He said making me my eyes wide and I looked at him in disbelief. Does he think it is enough for a reason to drug me?

"That doesn't mean you can d-drug m-me." I said clearly disappointed.

"Let's go have dinner, you need to a lot of rest." He said as he picked me up. My arms came around his neck in a firm grip and my legs wrapped around his waist in tight grip.

"Put me down." I said not wanting to be held up like a child.

"I don't want to." Was all he said as he exited his room and made our way towards the dining hall. All this while my head was in his neck and I wondered how can I sirvive with him. All these thoughts just encouraged my urge to run away from him but after seeing what he did to them, I couldn't help but worry about my escape.

"Anybody who tried to seperate us will face hell."

These words which he said to me are still imprinted on my mind. What will he do to anybody who tries to help me or will he even spare me? I just sighed and again tried getting down from his hold when we reached the dark double door which led to the dining hall. I didn't want people to see us like this.

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