Chapter 10

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Padgett Eve:

I woke up with my eyes fluttering adjusting to the light coming through the window. When I was noticing my surroundings I felt a weight on my back and my body on hard surface I tried getting up but couldn't move because that wieght was holding me in place and was getting tighter as I tried to wiggle. I did not take me long to realise that I was laying on top of Sebestian. My arms were wrapped around his neck, his arms wrapped around my  waist and my legs were on his. It was really confortable and warm but I had to get off him.

I wiggled in order to get out of his grip but his grip tightened and he said in his  husky morning voice, "You're never getting out of my hands like that" he said trying to challenge me but I still tried but immediately stopped when he said, "Stop it, babygirl, you're just making me more hard." That's when I realised that our positions and actions and immediately stopped.

"Can you please let me go?" I requested him in a low voice.

"Not before I get my morning kiss" he said making me face him. Do I seriously need to do that now!?

He freed my waist allowing me to reach his face. I got up and pecked his cheek and sat in my position, which was over him. He just chuckeled raised his knees bring his feet closer to his hips which resulted in me being closer to him now and started carresing my cheeks.

We were staring at each other and suddenly he flipped me beneath him and gave me a long passionate kiss, but I as usual didn't kiss him back. After a while he left my lips, smirking to me and saying, "Now that's what we call a morning kiss." He said making me blush a bit which I hate myself for.

"Can you please let me go now?" I asked timidly not sure of his reaction.

"Of course, after I get my morning kiss." He said still hovering above me.

I gave him a questionable look, because for God sake we just had a good two minute kiss and still he wants one? What was this man?

I think he probably understood what I meant and said, "The kiss we just had was my morning kiss to you. Now I want your morning kiss to me."

He said making me shock. Does he want me to kiss him? I was so not gonna do that but again who was he Sebestian Knight he wouldn't let me go easily without getting what he wanted.

"Kiss me or else babygirl say bye to your father, or even better to Colton."

No I can't afford to do that, I just can't. So I did what I was told, I kept my hands on his cheeks, as gentle as I could and then placed my lips on his. He smirked as I kissed him but soon responded taking control. After a while of harassing my lips he finally left me and I rushed towards the bathroom.

I came to the bathroom blushing very badly, and I hate myself for this, blushing for the wrong person, my body and heart reacting for the wrong person. As much as I tried to get Sebestian out of my head and heart the more I was letting him in. Shooking all of my thoughts I simply went to do my morning routine.

As I came out I wore a red hoodie and black shorts. By now I thankfully got my on clothes but deep inside I still wanted to wear Sebestian's.

I saw Sebestian wearing his usual formal wear. Does this man ever leave these suits behind ?

"Take a picture it will last long." He said taking me out of my thoughts and I remembered that I was shamelessly staring at him, but then he continued, "Oh wait you can't my babygirl's phone is still with me." He said clearly mocking me for not having my phone. Taking advantage of the situation I tried to be confident and said, "Well speaking of my phone, give it back to me, please."

Shit! I wanted to be confident but that 'please' just ruined my confidence it actually came out automatically of my mouth.

Sebestian was coming towards me to which I stepped back from fear which I think made him mad and he pushed me to the wall. Holding my writs besides my head and smirked at my helpless and submission state.

"Ordering me around? Well, I like that. My queen ordering me around but so sad my babygirl won't get her phone back,.. yet. Maybe I'll just observe your behaviour for that."

He told me like I was a school-girl begging to get a phone from my parents.

I was just glaring at him. Well, trying, because I couldn't really do that.

"Don't do that. Your making it difficult for me." He said that in a serious voice.
By the time I was trying to process his words his lips came crashing on mine. I didn't kiss him back, well I mostly avoided that, but this time his bipolar personality kicked in. "Kiss me back!" He seriously ordered me and I couldn't help the fear insode of me and I lost once again, kissing him back.

It didn't take long for my hands to wrap around his neck pulling him a bit closer. He smirked noticing my reaction and moved towards my neck placing kisses there.

After he made one or two hickey's he pulled his head out of my head making me a blushing mess.

"Let's go before I loose my control." He said and kissed my forehead, holding my hand and taking me to the dining area.

As I came to the dining area I saw Olga setting up our breakfast, as soon as she saw Sebestian and me she bowed and said, "I hope you had a good sleep, Mr and Mrs.Knight. The breakfast is served. Please" she said very professionally pointing towards the table the breakfast was set on. I noticed it was Olga's daily routine to do this. 'Hope you had a good sleep Mr.and Mrs. Knight. Wait. Did she just call me Mrs.Knight. No way.

As I was about to say something Sebestian just nodded and Olga left, while Albert just pulled out chairs for Sebestian and me. As I sat down, I thanked him. I was still not okay about being Mrs.Knight, I was dying to ask Sebestian what was going on. So I gathered all the courage I had in myself and asked,

"Uhm.... Sebestian can I please ask you something?" I asked, still afraid of his reaction.

He didn't reply just ate his breakfast and kept checking his phone. I waited for a good 2 minutes but still he didn't reply to me.

As I resumed my breakfast he put his phone down and said, "Go ahead." He said with an intense glare at me. His voice was soft yet dominating and dangerous which was covering the soft tone. I could feel his intense glare on me as I gulped my food down my throat.

"Why did Olga called me Mrs.Knight this morning?"

I asked biting my lips and carresing my index finger woth my thumb. As I asked this I could not only feel Sebestian's glare but also Albert's eyes on me.

After a minute of silence, Sebestian simply chuckeled which was very dark yet blissful. His chuckel sent shiver down my spine and I could feel his effect on my body.

"It's not only Olga but everyone will now recognise you as Mrs.Knight . The whole world will know that you belong to me. Only mine."

He said lifting me up placing me on his laps and kissing my neck, on the marks he gave me.

As soon as I heard him I couldn't believe it. I was already engaged to somebody else and I was getting married to a man who was not my fianceé but my friends' fianceé.

What game was God playing with me?

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