Ch 11

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CH 11

Adenzia's Pov

Bitch what?
" Are you serious?" I ask.
He looks at me confused " yeah? Why? I god I ruined it didn't i? If you don't want to then let's forget this happened and just stay how we did"
" What? No no no . i was just shocked you asked me thats all" I say fidgeting with my necklace.
He looks uncomfortable now.
" The answer to your question is,'' Yeah, I would like that a lot," I say.
" To the date?"
I nodded my head.
" To be honest I like you. I actually figured out I have a crush on you and i didnt know how to act around you ''I say looking him in the eyes.
" Yeah I figured out I have a crush on you too. And i know Cole would have beat my ass if i didn't ask you out." he says laughing
I laugh too. Esma would kick my ass too if i didn't say yes.
She would probably yell at me in spanish calling me dumb.
" So I'll pick you up tonight at 8?" he asks.
I nod my head " Okay "
He stands up and when he's about to open the door he looks over his shoulder and says " Wear something nice and comfortable also get a hoodie"
After he says that he leaves.
" ESMAAAAA" I scream.
She doesn't come.
Oh wait I forgot her and Ryder went to go grocery shopping.
Ha i call her phone
" Yes?" She picked up her phone.
" ESMAA" I scream into the phone.
" I thought it was sugar, I swear!!!!" She freaks out.
" Wait what?" girl you better not have done what i thought you did.
" Joking," she laughs.
" Oh, well have ryder finish shopping i need you here now"
" Why are you okay?"
" Yeah but i have something to tell you and if i say it then you're gonna scream in the store" i say
" Just tell me i'm not gonna yell in the store."
" Fine. Marco asked me out on a date"
" Ryder, don't you dare look at me like that" She whispers.
What the fuck is wrong with her? Eh, I love her crazy loud ass though. Ryder thought
" thought you said you werent gonna yell?" I joke.
" shushy shush." She says.
" Oh okay, so are you gonna come home and let Ryder do all the shopping? I need help to decide what to wear. "
" okay i'll be there"
She hangs us.
20 minutes later Esma is getting the details from me.
" Okay so what did he say to wear?" Esma says.
" Something comfortable and Nice and to bring a hoodie" I say.
" Okay did you take a shower today?"
" Yeah if i didn't that would be gross"
" Okay, good. Now when's he picking you up" she asks while going through her closet picking out an outfit for me. Apparently my outfits are too plain and boyish. That's not true. I have skirts and crop tops and little dresses.
But then again I can't wear those on a date because those are too short and revealing.
" At 8" I say.
" SO WE HAVE 3 HOURS??" she shouts.
" Yeah? That's enough time though"
I could get ready in 15 minutes but I can't really do too much makeup.'
But Esma can.
Esma starts pacing " That's not enough time."
" Yeah it is. also how is Ryder gonna get home?" I ask.
" I took an uber and left his car there"
" Oh okay"
" But we need to hurry asap"
She grabs my hair and begins to braid it in double braids.
" Ow that hurts" I complain . She always does her hair tight.
" Stop moving then or else imma hit you"
" I'm not even-owww" she yanks my hair.
After 7 minutes she's done and its fishtail double braids.
It looks awesome.
Okay now the outfit.
She throws me a short red long sleeve dress and a black jean jacket that goes down to my boobs.
The also grabs a pair of her leather high heeled ankle boots.
" Put it on, I think this would go amazing with your curves and skin tone. And if it does look good you're gonna keep it" she says.
I put it on and the dress is tight but comfortable at the same time.
Esma comes over to me and her eyes go big and her jaw drops.
" Damn youre gonna make me turn lesbian"
I was about to go to the mirror but she stopped me.
" When im done then you can look"
About 2 hours and 40 minutes later she's done with my makeup.
" Done and girl you should let me do your makeup and hair more often it's fun"
At this time Ryder's here and already knows what is going on.
He says he's gonna play the protective dad when Ryder gets here.
He's not even my dad, he's like a brother.
Esma is gonna do the same. I already know it.
I hear a knock at the door and I get up but Esma stops me " Go grab a hoodie like he said okay we'll handle it."
I agree quietly and go to my room to grab a hoodie.
Ryder opened and he told Marco to sit on the couch.
" So what are your intentions with my daughter?" Ryder asks marco.
Marco looks at him confused " She's not even your-"
" What.Are.Your.Intentions.?" Ryder asks sternly.
Marco gulps.
" I want to take her on a date because I like her and I want a chance with her," Marco says to Ryder and Esma.
Esma looks at Ryder and Ryder looks at her back.
They both nod their heads in approval.
" Okay but if you hurt her I will hurt you and I know how and where to hide a body" Esa says while looking intimidating.
Ryder agrees.
" Okay i wont hurt her, she'll probably break my heart."
Eh i won't
I'm hearing all this from my room.
" okay. ZIAA MARCO'S HERE FOR YOU" Ryder yells.
Before I leave my room I look at myself in the mirror.
I look...beautiful. I hope Marco thinks so too.
I come out of my room and go to the living room.
Marco looks at me and smiles big.
He looks at me like Ryder looks at Esma.
" You look- i mean you always look-" He stutters.
" I know" I smile and say confidently.
" Have her back by 11ph sharp" Ryder says.
Marco nods his head.
Marco opened the door for me " After you"
" Oh and Zia?" Ryder says
" Yeah?" I ask.
" You look stunning little sis"
" Thanks big bro"
" Have fun.and marco?" Esma says.
" Yeah?" Marco says.
" No funny business" She says coldly.
" yes ma'am" he replies with a shaky tone.
Esma and Ryder both laugh.

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