Ch 3

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Adenzia's Pov
" What do you wanna know?" I ask.
" Everything. But if you're not comfortable telling me something then you can tell me whenever you feel comfortable?" he says
" Okay i'm 18 ,i'm Italian  and Spanish , and i went to foster care at 4. I don't really remember much from my family except us being italian and a pair of  ice blue eyes. I dream about every night, well at least when I don't have nightmares."
" Blue eyes?" Marco rests his chin on his palm.
" Yes, blue eyes, almost white and long eyelashes. The person was a woman she kept telling me i love you my purple"
Tears started forming in my eyes but I refused to let them fall.
" Do you remember anything else?"
" No"
" try to remember"
" I don't even know why I'm telling you this. I only told Esma and Ryder this."
" I'm glad you told me"
" I just don't get it i only knew you for two days and i already feel like i could trust you and tell you anything and everything"
" I feel the same"  Marco looks in my eyes.
I have a fight in less than two hours  and it's 10:30 right now my fight is at 12:00.
Knock Knock
" Yes?"
Ryder pokes  his head in " You okay?"
"Yeah i'm just nervous"
Tyder comes in and sits down on my bed " Don't worry you'll do amazing your the best girl  fighter in the whole new york"
" Yeah, charming coming from you. You've never lost a fight in your life, and you've been fighting since what? 14,15?"
Ryder laughs " 14 years old. And yes I may be the best fighter in New York but I would be nothing without you and Esma."
I roll my eyes " Don't lie you would've been in a god damn penthouse by now if you hadn't met  Esma or me."
" And I don't regret a thing. Think about it me and you and Esma are freaking LIVING TOGETHER
We talked about that since we were kids and we got it because we thought with our heads"
" our hands "  i mumbled
"Whatever, who cares."
I laugh " Thanks Ryder"
He leaves the room and on his way out he said " No prob just kick that guy's Ass alright"
I get my gym bag and put all the stuff I need including my mask.
You see I don't like my identity to be known and Ryder understands but he doesn't keep his identity a secret at all.
Let's go .
I leave the house with Ryder and we go inside his car.
If you're wondering "where's Esma?".
Ryder and I don't let her  go to fights, we don't want to trigger her.
I know she says she doesn't mind violence but still.
I just hate what happened to her

Two years ago ( Flash back)
Esma's pov

All I felt was pain. I was running to my room but then I felt a hand grab a huge chunk of my hair and yank me back .
" AHHHHHH"  the scream tore out my throat.
Greg my foster dad from h*** yelled as he dragged me down the stairs.
"Please don't do this .PLEASE"  I sobbed and pleaded.
When we were in the living room he picked me up and threw me across the room.
My back hit the wall and I felt pain in my rib cages and  I screamed.
" SHUT UPPPP!!!!" he yelled.
Then he started coming over to be and punching me and kicking me over and over again.
30 minutes later
He stopped beating me and grabbed a beer and drank. I looked at the mirror across the room.
I was covered in blood and bruises and my eyes were red and puffy.
I looked at the door and it was unlocked. I felt weak but I think I can run to the door.
When Gregory's back was turned I got up and ran he noticed and when I was barely out of the door he grabbed my jacket and pulled me back.
I quickly unzipped my jacket and ran down the street as fast as I could . Thank god I was on track when I was in middle school.
I was blocks away from that h***hole and i stopped i was way too tired and i fell.
When I thought I was dying a voice came screaming
"ESMA??? Oh god what happened to you mi Amor?"
I felt arms picking me up and held me against a hard chest which I felt strangely safe. I opened my eyes slightly and I saw  blond hair, tan  skin and light brown eyes panicking.
I looked around at my surroundings while Ryder was calling his friend to pick us up to take us to the nearest hospital.
Then I realized I was at his house on his front lawn.
His friend came seconds after he hung up and Ryder picked me up and ran to the car and put me in the backseat while he was right next to me. I put my head on his chest and everything went pitch black.
When I woke up I was in a clean and white bright room. I sat up and everything hurt
" oww" I moaned Grabbing my side.
" Esma!!!" Ryder yelled.
I looked at him in the doorway and he ran hugging gently in his arms.
" What happened?" I ask.
" Es... you ran on my lawn crying and bloody  you were covered in bruises and fell i ran outside when i saw you through my window i called max and we went to the hospital"
"  How bad are my injuries?"
Ryder breathes a shaky breath and  looks angry " Who did this to you ?" he asks calmly.
" Ryder..."
" Tell me please?"
" Greg," I whisper.
Ryder looks at me, his expression blank and emotionless. " I'm gonna kill him"
"Ryder please" I beg.
He takes a deep breath.
" Fine i won't but i will teach him a lesson"
" Okay then"
" I love you and this is all my fault this never should've ever happened to you " Ryder looks away from me.
" Hey this is not your fault okay? I should've ran when it   happened."
" Es ,why didn't you tell me or Adenzia?" he ran his fingers through his hair.
" because i didn't want you to worry about me"
" ESMA YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND OF COURSE I'LL WORRY" he yells clearly Frustrated.
" I'm sorry, okay i promise I'll tell you or Zia next time okay? I love you"
" I love you too  I'm sorry for yelling and there won't be a next time okay?"
I nod my head  and wonder how I got such a loving boyfriend .
This is one of the moments when I feel  and I know  I'm truly in love with him.

Present time
Adenzia's POV
Ryder taught Greg a lesson and Greg went to  jail for child Abuse.
The foster care system put Esma in a nice home of a single woman  named Nancy who Esma,Ryder and I consider family.
After Esma told Nancy her story she talked to the system and legally became our foster mom.
Nancy is like a big sister to us. She's only 7 years older than us but she acts like she's in highschool.
" ZIA?" Ryder yells.
" Huh? What? " I blink and try to remember what he's talking about.
"You zoned out for a second "
"Oh sorry. You were saying?" I take a deep breath
" I was saying when we get there we need to see Jake to see which you're fighting okay?"
"Okay" I nod my head.
"Do you have your mask?" Ryder starts the car.
"Yeah, do you have your wraps?" I put on my seatbelt.
(Stay safe people always wear a seatbelt while driving)
"You wanna put on some music?" Ryder grabs his phone and hands it to me and continues driving.
"Nah I'm good." I look at the window and I hate to ask but I have to know "hey Ry?"
"Yeah Zia?" He stops the car and waits until the light turns green.
" Is Esma still having nightmares?" I hold my breath scared for the answer.
"Yeah but it's not as bad as it was"
" I wish she told us about what was happening.I wish I could change what happened to her because nobody deserves to go through that. "
Ryder takes a deep breath and continues to drive
"I wish the same things everyday but we can't change the past but we can change the future. It was nobody's fault EXCEPT THAT BITCHES ."
Ryder yells, gripping the steering wheel.
" Hey calm down. You and Max handled him."
Max is Ryder's best friend.
He's also my Ex. We dated when we were
15 to 16 but he left after we had a big argument and  we just broke up.
I was heartbroken and alone.
I was in bed for a whole 2 weeks and I swore to never love again.
To never let myself feel that pain EVER again.
" You're right max and I handled it." Ryder calmed down instantly.
"I'm sorry I yelled and got mad."
"Ry it's okay you're just super protective over Esma and I," I say smiling.
"Were here Zia." Ryder park's the car.
We both get out and go to the entrance where a big scary guy with tattoos is at the door.
"password" the bodyguard's deep voice fills my ears.
Something tells me he isn't afraid of getting his hand dirty.
" Blacklist" Ryder says.
The bodyguard stares at me "password? "
" blood scar".
"Hold on" he checks his phone for names at stares back up and opens the door.
Ryder goes in and I was about to go in until I felt a hand on my own and the bodyguard said to me " I heard you're the talk of the city. I hope you win tonight. I betted on you.  I would tell you good luck but you probably don't need it."
He let's go of my hand and let's me go inside.
Ryder is watching me.
"You okay? What did he say to you?."
"He wished me good luck and told me he Hopes I win my fight

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