Chapter 10 : The Duke's Function

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-Lance! roared Rainier.

Raising his head, Lev immediately spotted Gentem 's spear. It was a good thing he was a giant, because despite the size of the demons around them, he could still spot it. But more importantly, he knew what his cry meant.

Raising his arm, he caught Rainier's spear in flight. Thrown with phenomenal force, it swept him along, suddenly freeing him from the circle of demons in which he was trapped. The next moment, Cara fell in his place, pulverizing them with her Hammer.

But in truth, that wasn 't the point of the maneuver. Reaching up into the sky, clutching the spear, Lev immediately spotted the problem, in another part of the battlefield.

Away from the others, Vera was struggling with a colossal demon. Armed with a huge mace, it was trying to crush her, with unusual speed for its size. The Sword was in trouble.

Dropping the spear, Lev fell toward the ground, his shield forward. It must have been twenty meters above the demon's head.

Disassociating his body from the pain, he strengthened his shield, calling upon his intrinsic magic. A kind of halo enveloped him, as he shot like a cannonball towards the ground... And he hit the colossus' head with full force. His skull exploded under the impact, throwing his huge body to the ground.

Seen from up close, it was bigger than expected. It must have been about three meters high.

-Thank you, Lev! said Vera.

You're welcome, sister-in-law.

-Shut up!

He laughed as he took off running after her. They had to join the others. Hitting a demon with his shield as it tried to charge him, Lev threw it back so hard that it hit one of his little buddies. He frowned as he surveyed the enemy lines. There were a lot of them today.

-Shield, right!

Listening to Vera, Lev dropped to one knee, raising her Shield above her head. Jumping on it, she trusted her sparring partner to throw her right into the heart of the battle. Perfect.

-Rainier! he roared as he took off running, his sister-in-law landing like a fury in the enemy ranks.

Eleazar's spells allowed them to communicate, no matter where they were on the battlefield. This was an advantage, because several dozen meters away, the Duke of Hastam managed to plant his spear in the ground at the perfect angle. Large and imposing, this weapon was an ideal springboard for those who wanted to do harm.

Running on the shaft of the spear, Lev jumped into the air, much higher than was possible for a human being. Then, as before, he dropped downward, hitting the ground with his shield. The shockwave knocked the demons back several feet.

Gentem 's soldiers, lying in wait, took advantage of the situation to execute them without any further ado.

The Protectors did the most damage, the others did the finishing touches.

-Lev! shouted Eleazar from his collar. Cara needs help!


-Four colossus are on her!

The colossi, he had no trouble spotting. They were taking turns slamming their maces down, probably trying to crush Gentem's Hammer. Given the rate of attack, it should be able to dodge, but not counterattack. Shit!

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