Path of the Villian Issue 2 - Father's Day

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"We are coming live, and to be all quite honest. It's tough to swallow for all of us. News just a few short hours ago, but I'm afraid it's true, folks. The number one hero, All Might, is dead. While we do not have the full details on these matters, we know that All Might's death was confirmed by paramedics as he was pronounced dead on arrival. No official statement has been given as of far, but it is lead to believe this was a villain attack. The world is left asking what happens next and who will protect us?"

"No way there's no way Y/N would do anything like that! I don't believe it." Kirishima snapped, throwing the TV remote on the floor. His face was red and tear-filled. "He risked his life to save us from that villain who attacked the school. He couldn't have killed All Might."

"Kirishima's right." Uraraka cut in. "If Y/N really was our enemy, why would he risk it to save us? He's our friend; I know he is."

Midiroya sat on the sofa, head resting in his hands, still processing what happened. He didn't want to admit it either, but it was true. All Might was dead. "It's true. I saw the whole thing."

"What happened back there?! What made Y/N do it? Was he brainwashed? Forced or maybe blackmailed? Tell us Midiroya!" Kaminari cried in desperation.

"That bastard was the Red String Butcher. He was playing us all along!" Bakugo barked, walking in, crushing his fists.

"The Red String Butcher? I've heard of that name somewhere..." Ida muttered, thinking back. "I remember my brother mentioning him. He was a quirk user everyone in the area feared. His quirk was seen as evil and a real threat. But that was all just internet rumours. Nothing concrete."

"We really need to sit back and ask ourselves what do we really know about Y/N L/N? What do we truly know apart from the few things he told us?" Momo pointed out

Uraraka bit her lip, debating. "He wasn't the most open book. We all knew the boundaries to push... Wait a second. Oh, God."

"What is it?" Kirishima questioned.

"A few months back, I helped tutor Y/N. He said he was struggling with the homework. I agreed, not looking too much into it, but strangely enough, he didn't need any of my help. He understood the answer just fine. I guess I wasn't really suspicious. Why would I be? We started changing the subject, and that turned into a quiz. He had me quiz him over everyone's quirks. He had a book just like yours, Deku. He has a book on everyone's quirks."

Aizawa walked in, looking worse for wear, sighing. Everyone bombarded him with questions as he raised his hand. "I'm not going to answer any questions about what happened. I've got enough problems on my plate as it is. But, until this mess is cleaned up, you are all under house arrest. The other teachers and I will guard this area in case... Damn it."

"In case of what? What happened, Aizawa sir?" Midoriya asked.

"Guess you will all find out one way or another. Y/N has escaped." Silence dawned throughout the cabin as Aizawa sighed. "We believe the League of Villains broke him out not long after the arrest. We don't know his goals if he's going to go into hiding, come back or plan something else. So, for now, nobody leaves this cabin. Do I make myself clear? Do I make myself clear?!"

Everyone remained silent as Kaminari spoke up. "We want to save Y/N."

"Excuse me?"

"Y/N couldn't have done this without reason. If the League of Villains is involved then Y/N must be in some real danger. We can't just sit by when our friend is in trouble." Kirishima argued.

"He's right. We have to do something." Uraraka exclaimed.

"Enough! Whoever you think Y/N was, he isn't your friend. I'm sure Midoriya and Bakugo will agree with me. That isn't the Y/N we know. He's dangerous and will not hesitate to kill you. You will stay here until further notice. Your parents have been notified."

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