Path of the Hero Issue 3 - At All Ends

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The rain wasn't stopping anytime soon as we all left the diner with Yuuki locking up. Standing in the rain, I sighed, turning to the others. "We should be getting back before the pros think I went rogue. You should get home too."

"Are you sure you'll be fine?" Yuuki questioned, concerned.

Smiling to myself, I nodded, taking a deep breath. "I am now. Besides, I have my friends and my number one fan rooting me on. What could go wrong?"

As I let those dumb words out, a massive explosion rattled the ground, coming not too far from where we were. As alarms began going off, everyone was left in shock and screaming to match. "What the hell is going on?!" Kirishima barked.

Feeling dazed, I walked into the middle of the road, dread looming. "It's the league it has to be..."

"How can you be sure?" Uraraka asks, not entirely convinced. "It could be anything."

"I just know. I betrayed them; this is happening because of me." I muttered, seeing heavy smoke piling up.

"Whatever it is doesn't matter. We need to get down there now." Midoriya demanded. "Yuuki, run home now. It could get dangerous."

"What about you all?"

"We'll be fine. We've trained for this." Kamainari claimed, charging serval volts. "Let's do this, guys."

Yuuki punched my shoulder, giving me a severe look. "Be careful."

"Of course... See you later, yeah?" I say, uncertain, watching her run off. "Time to accept my punishment..."


The streets were ablaze and in ruin, with my worst fears coming true. The League was mindlessly attacking, causing chaos and carnage everywhere in sight. "No way... This seriously can't be happening?! Where are the pros." Kirishima whispered, seeing no one assisting the civilians under fire.

"Something doesn't feel right here. The League are never this reckless to just mindlessly attack out in the open. It must be a trap." I said, trying to put the pieces together correctly. "All of this to lure me out."

"Well, it's working. A trap or not, we've got to help those people trapped. Uraraka get as many people out as possible. Kirishima clears a path so the people can escape. Kamainari, Y/N... We'll keep the League at bay until the pros arrive. We've got to move fast before people are hurt.!" Midroiya ordered.

We all got into our positions with no objections as I leapt into the air, landing on top of a car and getting their attention. "There he is," Spinner smirked. "Just as predicted."

"You wanted me! Here I am."

Shigaraki jumped down from a knocked-over bus, no longer wearing a hand over his face showing it off to all to see. "All according to All For One's plan. You truly are foolish, Y/N. Don't rely on the pros to save you this time; we'll make you pay for turning your back on us."

"He's not alone," Midoriya shouted, crashing down next to me alongside Kaminari. "We won't let you hurt anyone else, Shigaraki!"

"Of course, you would be here to Izuku Midoriya. No matter, this might turn out better than expected. Dabi, light it up."

Dabi scoffed, holding his arm back, ready to scorch a building behind us. There were without a doubt, people still in there. Launching ahead, I snatched his hand, raising it as a giant blast of fire melted the rain away. Burning my hand in the meantime, I spun around, kicking him back. "Not so fast."

"Always quick on your toes Y/N. But it won't be enough."

Toga quickly tackled me off Dabi, pinning me to the ground and dragging her knife down. Holding her force back, we struggled as she kept driving closer and closer to my chest. Finally, kneeing her in the crouch, I threw her off jumping up only to be smashed into the bus stop by Spinner. Sliding down, Midoriya quickly came darting through, picking me up and getting me to safety. "You alright?"

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