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The image of Samantha and Ashton stays in my head the remainder of the night. I don't even forget about it once I've woken up the next morning.

I try not to let it bother me as I get ready for school. I also try not to think about how awkward it's going to be going out with Ashton tonight. Maybe I'll cancel it.

After getting ready, I hop in my car and drive to school a few minutes earlier than I normally would, hoping to catch Danna right after her prom planning group.

She has prom planning group every damn morning. How does she cope?

I catch her right on time as she's coming out. I'm planning on telling her about what I saw last night, it feels better that someone else knows.

"You're here early," she says.

I nod. "I gotta tell you something about Ashton and you can't tell Kacie. She'll lose it."

"Why are you telling me?"

"It feels better that someone else knows. Someone that I know. I don't know why. Just don't say anything."

"Yeah, alright fine."

"I was at that new café that opened downtown and I saw Ashton with Samantha Hartman. She was sitting on his lap."


"I know! Samantha's such a bitch. You think they're dating?"

"I don't know. Probably not. Why do you care?" Danna asks.

I bite my lip. Why do I care?


I attempt to keep my distance from Ashton that day. I still feel discombobulated and I don't want him to ask if anything's wrong because chances are, I might end up blabbing.

Although, maybe keeping the distance is what signaled him to something being wrong. Because, in third period Multimedia, he confronts me.

"I've tried to speak to you at least ten times today, what's up with you?"

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Does it have something to do with me? In that case, tell me," he demands.

I'm silent for a moment and my silence only angers him more. "Say something."

"Why are you getting so mad?" I question. I see a few people, mostly girls, looking over at us.

"You don't just ignore someone all day and then not tell them why!"

I stare down at the ground, and then back up at him. He's a bit scary when he's mad.

I'm about to tell him why I'm mad when the lady of the hour comes strutting on in. That's right, folks, Samantha Hartman. She walks up to Ashton and kisses him full on the lips, right in front of my face. It's not hard to miss him kissing her back, too.

They pull apart and Samantha puts her arm around his waist. "It's good to see you, baby," she says.

Gag me.

"Mmm, you too," Ashton replies. I catch his arm snaking up to her hair and playing with it behind her back.

That's when his eyes meet mine. It's like he forgot I was still there.

"We'll finish this conversation later," I grind out, "or maybe we won't."

I walk back to my desk, finding Danna and Kacie. Kacie looks like she might be on the verge of tears. She had to have seen that whole Samantha-Ashton ordeal.

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