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   Ashton dropped me off at my house a few hours after we ate lunch. I had spent the rest of the time playing board games and talking with Ashton's parents.

They were very kind people. If only their son had taken their genes.

I had told them my first impressions of Ashton, what college I'm planning on going to even though I'm only a junior, what I want to major in, and weirdest of all, what math class I was in.

Who even asks that? (I'm in Algebra 2, by the way). 

Ashton didn't say much the entire time. It didn't matter though. I had seemingly won over his parents. Or at least his mom. I regularly caught his dad giving me weird looks.


As Ashton pulled up to my house, I began to unbuckle and open the door but he stops my by putting a hand on my arm. I jump.

"Gimme one sec to say something," he says. "You did really well with my parents. They aren't easy people to get along with and you did a really good job. I've been living with them 17 years and I still don't get along with them," he  says.

I just shrug.

"I know you're not happy to be doing this, no one would be, but I just want you to know I'm grateful that you've kept on this long."

"It's no biggie, really," I say. It is kind of a biggie, though. "I have nothing else to be doing." That wasn't a lie.

"I know this isn't real but I want to, you know, take you somewhere to say thank you. Just as, well, say, acquaintances."

"You want to take me somewhere?" I ask in a squeaky voice.

He chuckles. It's a deep, husky, sound. "Yes, is that really so surprising?"

"Well I figured, y'know, since we're only fake dating you wouldn't want to waste your time taking me somewhere," I reply. I realize I sound stupid as I say it.

"I'm not wasting my time. What day works for you?" he asks, moving on quickly.

"Uhhh," I start. The prospect of going somewhere with him terrifies me. But I'm not saying no. I deserve something from him for everything I'm doing for him. I think about my week. I have nothing Wednesdays. "Would Wednesday evening work?"

He nods. "Mhm. I'll text you details later."

"Okay." I put my hand on the door and unbuckle. This time he doesn't stop me.

"Bye, Valerie," I hear him say as I get out. I can practically imagine just a hint of a smirk on his face.

I just wave a hand at him without turning my head. That's better than saying nothing.

When I get inside, my mom is in the kitchen, her back facing the front door. She's bent over a bowl of something. Stirring it rather viciously.

"Hey mom," I say.

She pauses her stirring and turns around. "Hey, honey! How was Danna's house? You were there for a long time!"

"It was good. We got caught up watching a TV show, I should've texted you, sorry."

"It's fine. I'm just glad you had a good time. We have to have Danna over for dinner one day!"

I nod, knowing that it'll never happen. My mom will forget she ever suggested Danna come over and I won't bring it up. "That'd be nice, yeah."

I go up to my room and pull my phone out of my jeans pocket. I don't have any texts or anything so I pop onto TikTok, which is honestly my only pasttime at this point.

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