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Billie POV:

I wake up in a hospital bed. I'm hooked up to multiple IVs and my throat feels dry. I try to move my hand but it's being held down by something. I look around the room and see plenty of bouquets. I try to move my hand again a little more forcefully. My left hand is squeezed "Billie?" I hear the hoarse voice of the love of my life. I look down at my hand and see her lifting her head slowly.

Tears form in my eyes as hers fall freely. "Baby you're awake" she sniffles. I try to talk but my throat doesn't allow me. "Hold on" she releases my hand and rises from the chair beside my bed. She pours me a cup of water and raises it to my lips. I look at her lovingly and take a sip.

Y/n keeps looking at me. "How long was I out?" I ask. Fresh tears form in my lovers eyes before she swallows them back and chokes out "2 days." I swallow thickly and absorb the information. "I've been here since you got here." She looks away as her tears fall. I grab her hand and squeeze "I'm so sorry" I apologize. Y/n turns to face me, tears falling down her beautiful face "don't you ever do that again Billie Dean...ever!" I nod my head "I promise"

Y/n wipes her tears and strokes my cheek. My eyes involuntarily flutter shut. I take a deep breath and kiss her palm repeatedly. I can't imagine the stress and anxiety I caused this poor angel. Tears form in my eyes thinking of all the pain and worry I've put her through. Before I can stop them my tears fall freely. Y/n cups my cheek and shushes me. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

Y/n climbs into the bed with me and holds me close. "Shhh it's okay my love. You're okay, we are okay. I'm right here with you. I'm not going anywhere." My sobs slowly stop. Y/n kisses my head and holds me as I rest.

Your POV:

I start to drift off as I'm holding billie. I haven't had a good rest since the night of the accident. The even breaths of billies rising and falling chest eases me into a deep sleep.

"Take me to the hospital NOW!" I run downstairs my best friend right behind me. We run out into the pouring rain and into the car. As my bsf frantically drives I call my mother. "Y/n? Where are you?" She asks. "I'm on my way to the hospital" my mother sighs and I hear a little ruckus on her end. "I'll meet you there. Be careful I love you." "I love you too" with that we end the call and I look over at my bsf.

I reach for her hand and she intertwines our fingers "she'll be okay y/n" I feel the heaviness in my chest and can't help the tears that fall.

We make it to the hospital before the ambulance arrives. As we are running inside I see the ambulance pulling up. I stop and watch as the paramedics open the doors and wheel my girlfriend out of the vehicle. I try to lunge in her direction but my best friend stops me "wait" Billie is unconscious and there is a man following alongside the stretcher.

Doctors emerge from the building and immediately start examining billies condition. Their conversations gets hurried. One of the female nurses hops on the stretcher and begins chest compressions. The doctors tell the man he can't follow anymore to which he fights but to no avail. I run up and tell them I'm her girlfriend in hopes they would allow me to follow but they don't. The doctor apologizes before leading the team inside.

I watch as my lovers lifeless body is being rolled into the building. I drop to my knees and sob. I've never felt so helpless.

I jump a bit and realize where I am. I look down and see that billie is still asleep. I hear a quiet knock on the door and look up. It's Tom "hey" I whisper. Tom smiles "hey" he takes a seat on the chair beside the bed. "I brought you some food and water along with some hygienic stuff my wife said you would need" I smile and place the bag on the table. "Thank you" Tom shrugs "no worries, how is she?" I look down at billie and stroke her hair "she's better. She woke up earlier but tired herself out" Tom stays for a while before he has to leave.

I'm watching the tv Tom turned on for me, thankfully. When billie stirs, I look down at her and smile as she slowly opens her eyes "morning" she rasps out. I laugh "it's 2 in the afternoon my love" Billie sighs and turns over so her face is pressed against my chest "really? Wow that's crazy" her voice is muffled and the vibration tickles me. Billie smirks and pulls me closer. "I love you" she says "I love you too" I stroke her hair.

Billie lifts her head up and looks at me. "What?" I ask. Billie just smiles "nothing" I smile back and remember we had a visitor. "Honey?" I ask. "Mmhm" Billie hums out. "Tom came to visit" Billies eyes snap open and she tries to sit up. "Woah woah take it easy." I say as I stop her and help her up slowly. I place some pillows behind her and climb off the bed. "How is he?" She asks. "He's fine" I grab the bag and begin emptying it's contents.

Billie has this stoic look on her face before asking "how do you know Tom?" I sigh and explain to her "when you arrived at the hospital I was just getting here. When the paramedics rolled you out on the stretcher I saw a man following you. I didn't know who he was but he fought hard to follow you into the hospital. When the doctors didn't allow either of us in. I had the chance to properly meet him."
"Who are you and why are you following my girlfriend?!" I ask angry and with tears falling down my cheeks. "You're Y/n?" He asked "yes I am now who are you?!" "I'm Tom, billie and I were rescuing victims together. I-I pulled her from the burning car." I sat on the floor shocked "burning car?" Tom nodded "yeah billie is a hero"
"He explained everything to me while we sat in the waiting room together." Billie nodded and grabbed a packet of pudding from the bag Tom gave us. "I'm glad you two met. He's a good guy. He saved my life." Billie says as she opens a pudding cup. "What else did he tell you?" She asks as she shovels a spoon full of pudding into her mouth. "That you were a hero" Billie freezes mid bite and slowly removes the spoon from between her lips.

"Do you think I'm a hero?" She asks. I look into her eyes "I don't think you are a hero" billies eyes flicker down to her pudding cup. I lift her chin and gaze into her eyes "I know you are a hero" Billie smiles before shoveling another bite of pudding into her mouth. I chuckle and wipe the corner of her mouth.

The rest of the day is filled with lots of visits from friends and family. By the end billie and I are completely exhausted. "You should go home." Billie says. I shake my head no. "Go shower, change, eat something other than hospital food" I shake my head again "no I'm not leaving you billie" I reach into the bag that Tom brought and take out little travel sized shampoo and conditioner along with a body wash.

"There is a reason I made y/bsf/n bring me clothes earlier." Billie chuckles and watches as I prepare myself for a shower. "Come here" she says. I walk over and Billie leads me into a gentle kiss. "I love you y/n. More than you'll ever know" I smile and kiss her again "I love you with every part of my souls Billie Dean" she smiles "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to take a shower. I'll be right back" I blow her a kiss and make my way into the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and strip. I step in and let the hot water hit my skin. All the emotions overwhelm me and I sink to the floor, sobbing.

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