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Billie POV:

I'm alone with y/n she's sitting at the kitchen table on her laptop. I take the seat across from her. She doesn't look up but I know every time I light a cigarette she ALWAYS watches me. I smirk and pull out my cigarette case. Her eyes flicker up I bring one stick up to my lips and light it. I take a drag and blow the smoke out. Y/n watches me until she looks back down to her laptop.

Dammit. What is she doing?

"Darling" she looks up "what are you doing?" "I'm doing my some final things for college." She answers still typing away on her laptop. I take another drag "but...I...just...finished" she ends with one final click of her keyboard then shuts her laptop. We sit in silence her watching me as I smoke and me watching her.

She's so adorable. Her little face and beautiful, young body. I wonder whose seen it bare? Well I have but not completely. Who's touched her other than y/bsf/n. Whose made her cum? Can I do better? Most definitely. But who is that cheerleader? Kaitlin?

"Who's kaitlin?" Her eyes widen and she looks up from my hands. "I-um what?"

Why is she so nervous?

"She's uh she's one of the girls I made out with" she nervously plays with her ring. "Okay what does she look like?" Y/n opens her laptop and shows me the girls Instagram. She's very beautiful blonde hair, blueish green eyes, plump pink lips, high cheekbones, big straight white teeth. Your average popular head cheerleader.

"Wow she's very pretty"

I cannot compete with that. She's young and beautiful.

"Uh yeah I've known her since middle school. She used to scare me but now well...I mean we made out." She chuckles nervously. I force a smile and pull out another cigarette.

Don't be jealous Billie you're MARRIED.

"She um she actually texted me earlier and asked me to hang out. But I don't know I think I like her but like I said I don't know."

Is she...is she asking me for advice even worse asking me if she should go out with this girl. Does she not understand I want her?

"Well y/n I have never met her before I don't know if you two would be good together or if you will. All I can tell you is follow your gut. Intuition has never met me down the only thing that has is my fickle heart. Don't let your heart cloud your better judgment" y/n absorbs my words then sighs "I think I'm going to hang out with her but I know my heart lies elsewhere. Maybe she could be a good friend and if I'm the future you know things change then that's that."

I take a deep breath and cross my fingers wishing the best (for me and y/n) she stands up and walks around beside my chair. She extends a hand out to me I accept and let her lead me up the stairs.

Can she hear my heart beating? Where are we going? Are we going to her bed?

She leads me into her room and lays on her bed quite seductively might I add. She looked me in the eyes as she laid down arms out for me.

Do I lay between her legs and kiss her. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

"Come cuddle me Billie please" she pouts

OH THANK GOD! But also fuck come on

I crawl onto her bed and lay beside her. She cuddles up to my body I hum as she places a hand on my stomach and wrap my arms around her. She tangles our legs and we lay there until she falls asleep. I stay awake and watch as her chest rises and falls. The way she looks so peaceful. Her soft features seemingly so much more adorable. She stirs a bit in her sleep her nose twitches and she mumbles something that sounded a whole lot like 'bil'

Her hips start rolling a bit. A little moan escapes her mouth and my eyes widen.

Is she having a wet dream right now. Who is she dreaming about? Is it me? I hope so

Her back arches as soft moans slip past her lips. The hand she placed on my stomach moves up a bit resting on my ribs then it slowly moves higher until it's resting just below my breasts. I gasp, she groans and grabs my left breast squeezing roughly. A quiet moan slips my lips. I'm beginning to get turned on. She roughly kneads my left breast in her hand. My hips begin to buck up softly. The movement causing her hips to grind against my thigh.

She hums and pinches my nipple

How did she find it immediately? And in her sleep?

Y/n keeps humping my leg her knee brushing against my core. I bite my lip to keep myself quiet. Her hand rests on my breast occasionally giving it a hard squeeze. Her moans are soft and almost inaudible. But due to my hyper fixation on her I can hear them clear as day.
Y/n's hand comes up and rests on the base of my neck then wraps around my throat giving it a gentle squeeze. My panties are soaked by now. Y/n moans louder and sighs then stops her movements completely returning her hand back to my breast.

Ugh fuck I'm horny now but if I move she wakes up and I love having her on top of me. Just go to sleep Billie maybe you'll have a good dream

I decide on just falling asleep pulling y/n closer to me. I wake up to y/n running her fingers along my jaw "morning" she sighs and snuggles into me "good morning" we both fall back asleep.

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