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Your POV:

I haven't talked or seen my mom in about a week. I'm a psychology major, I understand that she needs time. But, it still hurts. Billie, y/bsf/n and my nana have been there for me throughout this. My nanas birthday is today and I'm petrified to see my mom.
"Y/n honey are you ready?" Billie walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist. I meet her gaze in the reflection. I smile and turn my head to kiss her. "Yah bil, I'm ready" Billie gives me a soft kiss to my head before she grabs my hand and leads me out of the door. The drive to my nanas is quiet. Billies hand in my lap as I massage her palm. When we arrive at my nanas house I spot my moms car in the driveway.

"We're here y/n" I keep staring out the window and nod my head. Billie calls my name softly. I turn to face her "can we...just wait a bit, please I want to just save this quiet moment with you." Billie smiles and cups my cheek. "Of course, my love" I smile and kiss her palm. We sit in the car just basking in each other's presence. When my phone dings
'Mouse'-"we're here"
I look out the window again and see my friends get out of Elian's car. I squeeze Billies hand "are you ready?" She nods and we both get out of the car.

Billie and I meet my friends by the car. My bsf gives me a hug and whispers "I'm right here okay? I love you" I smile and kiss her cheek. I look behind me and grab Billies hand before walking up to the door. I knock and my aunt opens the door. "Y/n! Come in she's been waiting for you. Hi Billie, y/bsf/n, Isaak, Elian." She greets them as we walk past.

I enter the house and spot my nana in the kitchen. "Y/n! you came" she pulls me into a hug which I gladly return. "Of course I came nana, happy birthday!" She laughs "Okay, let me go" she says. I giggle and let her go I look back at Billie who's standing with my friends. "Billie my dear, I'm glad you came as well." She grabs Billies hands and pulls her into a sweet hug. I smile as I watch the interaction.

Once she lets Billie go Billie stands beside me and wraps an arm around my waist. My best friend extends her arms out to my nana and makes an overexcited smile. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NANA!" My nana smiles and tells her to shut up in Spanish. She gives her a hug and swats her away. My friends are probably the only other kids my nana loves almost as much as me. Once she sees Isaak and Elian she smiles widely and opens her arms for them.

My bsf gasps and fakes offense. Isaak and Elian laugh and give my nana a hug each to which my nana pinches their cheeks and tells them how handsome they are. She leads them towards the food. My bsf raises her hand "and me nana? Don't you love me too?" My nana laughs "y/bsf/n I see you all the time, plus you call me every other day, you visit me for breakfast. I love you but I need to feed my boys" Isaak turns around and sticks his tongue out at her.

My bsf grabs a plate and smacks the back of isaaks head. I giggle and leave them to it. Billie and I walk into the main room where we see most of my family sitting and talking to each other. I see my favorite cousin and wave. Billie leans down and whispers in my ear "your moms in the lounge chair to the right. She's been watching us. Play nice and let's not make a scene okay" she kisses my head "I love you" she whispers before we make our way around greeting people.

When we reach my mom I stand in front of her "hi mom" she stands and wraps her arms around me. I'm shocked but return her embrace. "Come here, both of you" she looks between Billie and I. We follow her upstairs into the guest bedroom. I close the door behind us and instinctively grab Billies hand. My mom looks at our hands before looking into my eyes.

"Y/n...I'm going to be honest with you okay. I love you, you are my only child. The love of my life. Billie...you are my best friend. I've known you my whole life. I'll admit when I saw you two kissing the day of my promotion party, I was shocked, upset and hurt. I felt betrayed, like the two people I loved the most went behind my back and consistently lied to me. About something so important. But the day you came to my house y/n and told me if I didn't accept you two, you would have no choice but to not accept me...that broke me. I would never do such a thing. I love you both so much, you are the most important people in my life and if you two make each other happy, then so am I."

I let out a shaky breath and squeezed Billies hand. My tears came crashing down. I ran to my mom and gave her a hug. "I love you so much mom! And I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner I was just scared of how you'll react and I wanted to make sure this thing between Billie and I was real. I'm sorry" my mom rubs my back as she shushes me "it's okay baby, I understand"

When we break apart I look over at Billie, who just stands there frozen in place silent tears falling down her cheeks. I walk over to her and cup her cheeks wiping her tears "oh Billie" I gently kiss her lips as she wraps her arms around my waist and sobs on my shoulder. When she finally collects herself she walks over to my mom and gives her a hug.

My mom apologizes "I'm sorry Billie I trust you with my life and now I trust you with my daughters. Just don't break her heart Billie Dean or I will kill you" Billie laughs but seriously says "I would never" my mom nods her head "I know" I smile and can't stop smiling. I walk to Billie and wrap my arms around her neck. She wraps hers around my waist and picks me up. I latch onto Billie like a spider monkey as she sways us from side to side. She lets me down and captures my lips in a passionate kiss.

When we break apart my mom is looking elsewhere. I giggle "I'm gonna need some time to get used to that." My mom says as she gestures between Billie and I. I laugh and give her a hug "I love you" she hugs me back "I love you too, my sweet girl" I smile and grab her hand then turn back and open my arm for Billie. She steps into my embrace and wraps an arm around my waist as we exit the room.

We walk back out into the main room. My friends are sitting and eating while making small talk with my family. When they see us, they all drop their mouths, Elian almost choking on his food. My nana pats his back, he gives her a thankful look. My mom sits back in her chair, Billie beside her. I walk to my friends and past them towards the kitchen. I glance back once I reach the doorway and see my friends, Billie, my mom, and my nana staring at me.

I turn around and keep walking.

Her mom accepts them!!!!

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