Chapter 21

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Evelyn's POV:

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Evelyn's POV:

It had been three and a half weeks, and everything between everyone seemed to be going perfectly. Raven and I had been seeing each other almost every day, with me visiting her apartment and spending time with her. She had said she had an important question for me to answer, and I was hoping it was whether or not I wanted to be her girlfriend. I think it's safe to say that I've developed deep feelings for the brown-haired beauty in the past month, which concerns me a little because I'm not sure if Raven feels the same way or if she just sees me as some fling.

One evening, I called Mia and Skye over to my apartment and told them what had happened. They were both relieved that Raven hadn't tried to push me away. Skye, of course, had warned me to be cautious because if we were caught, Raven could be fired, but we were both pretty discreet and agreed to keep things outside of the classroom just in case anyone became suspicious of us.

Skye and Eliza had been doing well as well. They'd been together for just over a month and the sight of them together couldn't make me happier. Mia was still happily single, despite the fact that she had been acting slightly off about the subject of relationships since her birthday. I didn't want to bring it up again, but I could tell there was something bothering her about it.

Isla and Dre were now officially a couple, and I couldn't be happier for her. Dre had taken Isla out on a day date around London and asked her if she wanted to be his girlfriend on the London Eye. Of course, she screamed yes, and we even have a video of the moment thanks to Dre. They're a perfect match for each other, and I couldn't have asked for a better man for her.

One of the things I love about the recent changes in my life is how I've met this amazing group of people who all seem to fit together like we've known each other for years. Since the first time it was hosted in our apartment, we've had a game's night every Friday, and I can honestly say that I enjoy it. Skye getting flustered whenever Eliza's attention was on her or when she would make a crude remark, Raven's possessive hold around me when we were sitting together, Isla and Dre being the lovey dovey couple they are or teasing Mia.

The bliss I'd been feeling for the past month came to an end when I began receiving random threats via text, which I dismissed at first, thinking it was Mia or Skye messing with me, but now I'm not so sure. Threats had started at the end of the previous week. I remember it was Friday, and I had put a little extra effort into my outfit to try to tease Raven, which, judging by the look I got when I walked through the door and the hungry stares I got throughout the rest of the class, worked.

So here I stand in my apartment on a Wednesday evening, just before going out to Raven's, contemplating on what to do. The messages had begun simply with phrases like, "you look so beautiful today, I could treat you better than her." Then, more recent text's, "I wonder what the college board would think about one of their most prized teachers secretly fucking one of her students." To tell you the truth, I was terrified. I didn't want Raven to lose her job.

I had an important decision to make, and I knew that either way, one of us would get hurt in the end, so I might as well get this over with now, before it gets too deep and the threats become more than threats and are actually taken into action. Normally, I wouldn't care about the consequences, but Raven is important to me, and I wouldn't want to be the reason she lost her job, especially since I can see how much she enjoys it. That would be too selfish of me.

// Small time skip to Raven's apartment

The sound of feed thudding across the floor made my heart rate spike slightly, but I shook my shoulders and took a deep breath to relax myself before the door flew open and a smiling Raven greeted me. The smile pained me as I knew what I was about to do would hurt like a bitch. "Hey, Eve. Come on in. " I gave her a tight-lipped smile which she seemed to notice but brushed off and closed the door and walked towards the couch in the living room. "So, as you know, I called you here because I have a question for you."

I didn't say anything and just stared at her, waiting for the words I knew would make me the happiest person alive if I wasn't about to break both of our hearts. She took a deep breath "I'm pretty sure we can both admit that we have an attraction towards one another.'' The thought made me smile slightly because I knew I felt more than just attraction for her, she paused while chuckling, "At least, I hope that's the case. Anyway, I enjoy spending time with you, and the last month has been great between us, so I was wondering, Eve. Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Fuck, man. This woman right here is the epitome of perfection. Eve, put on your game face. She looked at me expectantly with a wide grin on her face, but I could tell she knew what was going to happen by the look on her face; the sight of her smile fading and being replaced by a face full of pure sadness is an image I will never forget. I could almost see her eyes pleading with me not to say what she desperately didn't want to hear.

I cleared my throat and plastered a blank look on my face, "Look, Raven, what we've had was fun and I enjoyed our time together, but I don't think me and you should be anything more than friends; I'm really sorry, but I just don't think we'd work." I had to hide the bile rising from my stomach and the tears threatening to escape my eyes from this heartbreaking lie: she is who I want, she is perfect, she is exactly what I need, but I know I can't have her. No matter how much this hurts, this is for her protection.

Raven shook her head and ran her palm across her face, irritated. Her icy demeanour, which I'd seen her use in front of others before, was visible this time, only it was directed at me. "Friends?" she said, snorting. "Damn, I'm such an idiot. I've actually contemplated the idea of loving you a few times recently. But now i'm doubting that as I can see you for who you truly are,"

Shit! She just had to go and say it, and here I was being naive, telling myself she wasn't feeling the same way when she was. I let go of the passive behaviour I had been trying to maintain, and I let her see my true emotions. My breathing stopped completely, and an audible hitch left my now dry throat, "love-e, me?" She laughed bitterly, "Perhaps it's just an infatuation for someone younger, who knows?" As she stared me down, her cold demeanour remained, and her face was hard.

"Besides, who could ever love a scheming bitch like you?" she sneered. I could tell she was trying to hurt me and it was working. I was now taking stuttering breaths and my jaw was slightly wobbly. Was I truly unlovable? I mean, I know I said some harsh things, but it was because I didn't want her fired or worse. I whimpered a small "right" in response and let a few tears stream down my cheeks as I stared at the woman I knew I was close to loving say such hateful words towards me.

She made everything so much easier for me; although it hurt me immensely knowing she resented me, it meant that she'd stay away and keep her job. I didn't need to hear anything else she had to say; she'd said everything she needed to, and that was enough for me to realise I needed to get out of there, and for good.

I took one last look at her beautiful yet cold face and memorised everything I could about her as if this was the last time I'd see her, I mean it probably would be outside of college. I took a deep breath and quickly left, her words echoing in my mind as I returned to my apartment.

A//N I've decided to make this book 26 chapters long; it'll be worth it in the end, so apologies in advance.

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