Chapter 6

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Evelyn's POV:

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Evelyn's POV:

As Monday morning came and my first two periods of the day had passed, I found myself seated in Miss O'conner's class, staring openly at the strikingly tall, brown-haired beauty.

My gaze travels lower to her exposed collar bone, then onto her enticing perky breasts, from her flawlessly groomed eyebrows to her clearly defined jaw and those embracing chocolate eyes. Seriously, how can one person be so stunning?

When Skye pokes me in the ribs and says, "You're drooling," I snap out of my trance. Mia and Skye are laughing at my flushed and irritated state as I hurriedly glance away and wipe my chin.

As I hiss a low 'I don't know what you're talking about,' I return my gaze to Ms O'conner, who is currently standing at the front of the class. When I do this, though, I see that she is staring straight at me with somewhat darker eyes than normal, as well as a little smirk pulling at the corner of her lips, sending an involuntary shiver down my spine.

"Why don't you join Jake for this demonstration, Evelyn?" Hearing her soft voice speak those words is a direct contrast to the way they almost sound like a demand. When I realise I haven't yet responded to her offer, I say the first thing that comes to mind: "why join Jake when I could join you for this demonstration Miss O'conner?"

My cheeks burn a fiery red almost immediately after saying that, wishing I had just replied 'sure, Miss.' She simply raises her left eyebrow and stares blankly at me before giggling with the rest of the class and motioning for me to join Jake.

Walking towards the station at the front where I feel the brown haired beauty watching my every step, I plaster a small grin on my face as I join Jake for the demonstration.

She hands me a hefty stack of papers, and before she can explain why, I exclaim, "damn, I didn't realise carrying trees was a part of the catering course." She responds with a slight scold in her tone, raising her left brow at my shenanigans once more. "I must emphasise, Evelyn, that an excessive amount of paper will be used to assist you in completing this course." Damn, she can put me in my place at any time.

She returns to the front of the class, facing the rest of the pupils, and motions to the 'tree' I'm holding. "I'll explain the objective of today's demonstration while Evelyn is passing out these sheets."

"Now, as we've been learning about the various types of chemical raising agents used to make various breads, batters, and doughs, this week, Evelyn and Jake are going to bake a few different types to show you how the different agents can affect the taste, smell, aroma, and texture of it once it's fully baked."

"These papers have a column for each category I just listed," she explained as she picked up one of the sheets. "You are going to grade them on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best." "This allows you to see how successful each of the raising agents is, as well as which ones are the best and worst."

Miss O'Conner motions for me to rejoin Jake, noticing that I have finished handing out the sheets. "Would you all please come and take a seat in front of the station to watch the various methods and ingredients Jake and Evelyn use to carry out this demonstration?" She then gives me and Jake separate sheets with two different methods for making bread as well as the ingredients needed. A small smile is extended to me and Jake. "You may both begin now. If you feel you have strayed slightly from the method, feel free to call me over and I will assist you as best I can."

After combining the ingredients together in the bowl, my least favourite part comes. Now, I realise this may seem foolish, but kneading and folding dough has never been one of my strong suits, so I'm hoping no one notices how horrible I am at it. My arms aren't cooperating the way I'd like them to, but my hands are joyous little pistons. If you understand what I'm saying.

When I hear laughter, I look up to see that everyone, including Jake, is focused on the way I'm currently 'kneading' the dough. "Evelyn, you want to press the dough forward with your palms and pull back repeating the movement, not push down on it like you're trying to perform CPR."

"Here, let me assist you," I sigh as I watch her make her way around the station and towards me, huffing at her CPR remark. When she stands behind me, I'm a little confused. "All you have to do, darling, is slightly improve your posture and utilise those hands."As she says this, she presses her hand into my upper back, causing my breath to catch in my throat because I am now slightly bent over the table.

My cheeks flush a fiery red colour once more as I feel her breath hit the side of my neck. This woman is clearly trying to kill me. I thought I noticed a faint smirk tugging at the corner of her lips, but I was probably hallucinating at this point. She softly grips both of my forearms and pulls them back towards me, pushing the dough forward. "All you have to do now is keep kneading the dough until it becomes less sticky and forms a ball."

As she moves away from me and looks over Jake's shoulder to see how he's doing, I let out a breath I hadn't realised I'd been holding "Jake, you did an excellent job. You're doing an outstanding job." He smiled at her remark and went back to mixing the second batch of ingredients in a different bowl.

"Thank you, Miss OC," Jake says. "Ah, that's a new one, but I like it," she says with a tiny smile, raising her left eyebrow at the abbreviation of her last name. As I continue to 'knead' my dough, I mumble under my breath, 'thanks miss OC.' Mia and Skye are giggling at my antics. 'Miss OC,' however, has turned back to me and given me that same small smirk, letting me know she also heard.

A//N progress, please interact. (:

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