Chapter 56: Wounds

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"You must be starving, but i can understand if it's still hard for you right now" Xavier begins with his chin resting on his knuckles.

"You will have to try your best to finish it though because i don't want you getting sick" He says with his eyes glued to my own and with his voice cold as ice.

I sigh, not having the energy to fight back and especially because I know that I will lose the argument. After eating half the food I stand up to put my dish away without even a glance at Xavier who has been staring at me the whole time.

"Let's get this over with" I sigh as I make my way towards the garage.

"Aren't the others coming with us?" I ask as I stare out of the car window.

"They had some.... other businesses to attend to" He says as I notice his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, breaking the silence. I used to feel uncomfortable with the silence but now that's all I want around me.

'I feel like I've gone through hell and now I don't know how to feel. So much could've gone wrong and I feel so many emotions that I can't even explain it to myself, let alone Xavier?'. I just shrug in response, it'll be easier that way and I bet he doesn't even want to know the truth.

"Words please" He says while looking ahead.

"I don't know how I feel, ok?" I want to tell him that I'm fine but even a blind person could know I'm not.

"Mhm sure" He says and I can clearly hear that he didn't believe a word I said.

"Just come to me when you're ready to talk about your feelings," He says.

"Didn't we already talk about 'it' or did you already forget" I say without even thinking of the tone i'm having with my oldest brother.

"We talked about what happened but when did you say how you felt or feel right now?" He says, sounding displeased with my tone.

'Wow, it's weird to hear him talk so much all of a sudden.' He probably didn't tell me to watch my tone because of my state and also because he clearly already gave me a warning just by the sharp look.

"There's nothing more to say, and there is nothing I can do either so talking won't do anything" I say with a softer voice sounding hella depressed.

Reaching the hospital we get out of the black car and walk towards the entrance. It's so white and bright everywhere that I feel like having a headache.

"Miss Ariana Alvarez" A middle aged man calls, walking in the waiting room. He seems taken back when me and Xavier stand up. He looks a bit pale and afraid but covers it up with a smile as he sees me.

"Right this way" He continues as we walk behind him into the hospital room.

"Take a seat right there on the bed" He says while Xavier sits in one of the chairs.

"And you must be the one I talked to on the phone. Pleasure to meet you sir" He says as he reaches out his hand to shake with Xavier.

"As I said on the phone, I want you to do a full check up on her" Xavier says while the doctor nods.

"Ah yes of course it's about that accident you told me about yes?" The doctor responds. 'I tense at the mention of him knowing what happened but one look from Xavier and I understand he must've told him something else'.

After doing some basic check up stuff like checking my hearing and my eyes, he takes my weight and doesn't look happy about it.

"Looks like you're a bit underweight" He says as he looks like he's writing it down. Xavier doesn't even look surprised but a bit disappointed.

"Alright, next i have to ask you to remove your shirt" He says like it's not a big deal at all. 'No no no i'm not removing my shirt in front of a male doctor'.

"Can't you call a female doctor to continue this check up?" I say earning a laugh from the doctor. I look at Xavier for help but he just stares at me like he's expecting me to listen.

"This man is a doctor and one that I trust, that's why I chose him to do this" Xavier says as he stands up and walks towards me.

"But trust me when i say that i would've personally taken care of him right now if he wasn't a doctor" He whispers in my ear making me giggle. The doctor doesn't react meaning he didn't hear what my brother just whispered.

'Well good for him'. As I'm about to take off my shirt I remember that the doctor isn't the only problem here. I look at Xavier making him raise his eyebrow.

"Uhm, are you going to um... watch?" I say while getting hot out of embarrassment.

"Don't worry i'll look away" He says as he tries to hide his amused smirk.

"Besides, you're still just a small child so what's there to be embarrassed about?" He shrugs as he turns around.

"I am not a small child!" I say angrily like a small child making Xavier chuckle under his breath. 

"Oh my lord" The doctor says as I take my shirt off. He quickly checks my body so I can put my shirt back on.

"You can turn around now" I say after putting my head through the shirt.

"How was it?" Xavier asks the doctor seriously.

"They look pretty bad but I'll have to check if they're broken to know for sure" He says as he walks over to me. Xavier walks with him and stands beside the bed.

"Just lay down and I'll do my best to get this party over with quickly" The doctor says as I hesitantly lay down slowly to not strain my ribs.

"You're not going to touch my ribs are you" I ask worriedly, trying to stay calm but with panic evident in my voice. 

"I'm afraid I have to. This is the worst part but i promise i'll be as quick as possible" He says empathetically.

"It'll be ok and i'll be with you the whole time" Xavier says, but it's hard feeling his comfort with that deep stern voice of his.

"It'll not be ok! it hurts to even breathe let alone someone touching them" I say feeling the panic increasing. This is even scarier than when I was getting my shot and that's saying something. 

"Just try to relax and-" the doctor tries to say before getting cut off by me.

"Relax?! how am i supposed to relax right now when i know how bad this is gonna hurt?!" I say frantically.

"Listen, i have to check up on them or they might get worse and then it'll hurt even more" He calmly explains as i realize that there is nothing i can do about this situation.

I lay my head on the pillow and shut my eyes, trying to calm my rapid breathing. My eyes shoot open as intense pain strikes me like lightning. My hands automatically slam into the doctor's hands to get them off me.

"Stop, it's too much!" I cry as I struggle to get his hands off. Xavier grabs my wrist, pulling them away from the doctor's hands as I now groan in pain.

It's so intense that I feel like throwing up. My eyes tear up and I hold my breath from my tense body.

"Please stop, it hurts!" I cry out. I would have yelled but it's so hard to even breathe at this point. "Just a little more" Xavier says while still holding my wrists in a firm grip.

"Aria you need to breathe or else you'll-" The doctor began saying but everything went black and i could no longer hear anything.

Hope you liked this chapter, i'll probably update on friday next time but i'll do it sooner if i find the time.

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