Chapter 7: Arrival

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"Where am i?" I ask as my eyes slowly open as I realise I'm in a moving car.

"We are on the way to meet your brothers" He answers with his eyes still on the road.

"oh i remember now" i whisper under my breath not really talking to anyone in particular. As the memories come flashing back my eyes again start to water.

Not wanting to show weakness, nor be in a valuable state right now I wipe my eyes dry with my sleeve and focus on keeping calm. I go on my phone to see how long I've slept. It's 10:56 PM. I've slept for about 5 hours which isn't like me at all.

'All the emotions must have taken a toll on me' I think to myself.

"Where almost here" The driver says, making my stomach turn. The car stops at a huge black gate that stretches further than I can see in this dark night.

The gate slowly opens and I can hear my own heart racing making my chest almost hurt. The car drives through the gate and onto the big property. A huge house, no, a mansion big like a castle appears in front of me.

I try to swallow but my mouth is dry like sand making it impossible. There are leafless trees on the sides of the road as we make our way towards the mansion. I look down, realising my hands are shaking. I try to stop, but it only gets worse.

The car finally stops in front of the huge building that made me feel smaller than I already am. The driver hopes out of the car coming around to open the door to the backseat.

"We have arrived" the man with the suit that was driving says. I hesitate as I fear for my life.

"We don't have all day" The man in the suit says as he narrows his eyes at me.

"y-yes" I stutter and slowly make my way out of the black car.

"Follow me" The man in the suit says as he starts walking towards the door. It's the biggest door I've ever seen in my life. There was a big door knocker in the middle formed as a lion's head.

I could practically hear my heart in my ears and feel my chest rising fast from the heavy breathing, the dark aura surrounding this huge place didn't exactly make it better either.

The man in the suit knocked at the door and I stood behind him waiting, feeling like my life would soon end or worse. The door finally opened and the aura I felt before became even worse making me almost stop breathing.

My hands were hidden behind my back so that no one would notice the shaking but I bet it was obvious. I was unable to look him up in the eyes as I could feel his cold gaze staring down at me.

 "Look at me girl" The man at the door said coldly, making me flinch.

"I don't like to repeat myself" now anger evident in his voice and I could feel his stare getting even more intense.

The intimidation was out of this world and unbearable. Suddenly I felt his hand grip my chin lifting my head up to look at him.

Terrifying would be an understatement, His dark hair was slightly wavy going down at the side. His black suit looks expensive as hell. I also notice a small piece of a tattoo showing, going up at the side of his neck. His steel gray eyes drove daggers into my hazel once, making them water with unshed tears.

"When I tell you to do something you will do it, I suggest you keep that in mind" He says with a stern voice and a bit of annoyance.

"Mhm" I say, having a hard time forming words.

"I only want verbal answers" He says as his eyes narrow even more.

"Y-yes" I stutter , making him let go of my face and walk away.

"Why are you just standing there? follow me" He says coldly over his shoulder.

"Y-yes, c-coming" I stutter, almost whispering.

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