Chapter 38: Early Arrival

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As I step out of my room I'm greeted by an unexpected face, Xavier.

"Oh Xavier, i-i d-didn't e-expect you to be home" I half stutter with my words feeling awkward.

"Yes i got done with my work earlier than expected" He says with the same emotionless face and deep voice sending shivers down my spine. 'Scaryyyy' My inner voice echoes in my head.

"I heard some news while i came here"

"Wh-what news?" I ask, feeling nervous about Zach telling him what had happened. He's eyes suddenly become dark and narrowed as he's jaw clenches.

"Apparently the boys held a party behind my back of the guys entering the party sexully asulted you" He says as he looks like he's about to kill someone.

"First, i need to know if you're ok, second, i want you to know that something like that will never happen again and the guy that assaulted you has already been taken care of" 

'Taken care of? ugh i can't believe i forget who these people are sometimes' the thought made me fearful again as i gulp.

"Well I'm totally fine now so it's nothing to worry about" I say shyly as I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.

"guys come eat your breakfast!" I hear Enzo yell from down the stairs. I smile and run towards my favorite brother. As I run down the stairs he notices me and smiles wide.

"Come here princes i've missed you" He says as i jump into his arms giving him a tight hug. "I've missed you too Enzo" I say smiling.

We make our way towards the dining room and wait for miss.Lopez to bring out the food. The rest of my brothers enter the dining room and sit on their usual seats. Miss. Lopez and some other maids then bring out the food which consists of waffles and crepes.

"Thank you miss. Lopez, this looks delicious" I say with a big smile.

"Oh thank you dear you're too kind, i'll tell Thomas right away". As I stare at the food I suddenly feel like not eating. It feels weird as I'm usually always in the mood for food. 

"Aria what's wrong?" Julian asks, looking at me.

"Nothing hehe" I say with half a smile. I start to eat ignoring the loss of appetite but can't finish as much as i used to. I usually eat up everything on my plate but now i can barely eat half.

"I think i'm done now, it's best i get ready for school" I say standing up.

"Sit down" Is al that Xavier says as he glances at me. I, of course, sit down in less than a second.

"You barely ate anything now, eat some more and then leave" He says harshly. I stare at the food feeling a slight headache. 'I feel so tired already and it's just morning!'

"What's wrong baby, do you not like the food?" Enzo asks with concern.

"No it's super good i just... I don't feel like eating and my head kind of hurts". Hunter reaches out his hand placing it on my forehead.

"jeez you're really burning up you know, are you feeling ok?" He asks concered as he yanks his hand back off my burning forehead. Xavier immediately stands up and walks towards me. He places his hand on my forehead and frowns.

"You have a fever, stay home and rest for the day" He explains as the others look at me with concern.

"N-no it's fine i don't feel sick" I lie wanting to go out. I used to love skipping school and staying home but right now I would rather go out and see my friends in school.

"That is not an option, you are staying home today" He says with his eyes daring me to protest.

"I should probably stay home too and take care of he-" Julian says, getting cut off by Xavier.

"No, you boys will go to school. Me and Enzo will stay home and take care of her" He explains as he takes my hand and guides me out the room.

We make our way towards my room in silence as he opens my door and leads me to bed.

"Rest now little one, I'll be close by so don't hesitate to call me if you need anything" He says with a soft voice I've never heard from him before.

'And why the heck did he just call me little, ok I know I'm short but still I'm no baby'. He kissed my forehead, surprising the hell out of me.

"Um Xavier, are you sure you're feeling ok?" I ask as he just chuckles at my reaction.

"I'm not the monster you think I am, little sister, well not with my family anyways. Try to sleep now, Enzo will check up on you in an hour" He says leaving my room.

As my heavy eyelids drop down, I fall into a not so deep slumber. I wake up by the sudden feeling of a wet cloth being placed on my forehead.

"Your awake! how are you feeling sweetheart?" Enzo asks as he stares down at half open eyes.

"Not good, I feel sick" I answer with a dry throat. My head hurts and I feel like I'm about to throw up any minute.

I try getting up as i feel my breakfast coming up. My head starts spinning as I get up and I stand, trying to keep my balance. Enzo notices this and quickly holds my body to give support.

"Hey hey easy now, do you need to throw up?" He asks with concerns. I node and he slowly guides me to the bathroom where I throw up all my breakfast into the toilet.

He holds my hair and rubs circles on my back as I violently puke, not even leaving any room to breathe in between. After the worst part is over i stay kneeling on the floor trying to catch my breath. 

A/N: Finally back from my vacation, i'll try giving you more updates now :)

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